Voidcallers - Evo/Hermitcraft/Empires! AU

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Evolution SMP.  A legend among the many servers, for the only server to be destroyed by the rebel watchers. Rebel watchers as well as regular Royal watchers rarely made appearances within servers. After all they were only supposed to watch. 

Evo was also not only known for being destroyed by the watchers but also as the first server to successfully use time travel within the server code. The Evo members were not known by name or faces, their identities were lost with the server when it was destroyed so finding them was based solely on codenames they referred to each other as. Very few people knew the real identities but kept it secret to keep themselves safe. But each Evo member could be recognized by the Watcher Symbol on their right shoulder. 

After Evo was destroyed the members had been taken hostage by the rebel watchers and transformed into voidwalkers. But they looked much different from the regular voidwalkers, instead of gray colored skin they had pitch black skin and black hair. Their eyes were the same purple as the endermen and ender dragon in the End. Their height matched the same as Endermen being 3 blocks tall. They had pointed ears like elves and long tails with black tuff of fur at the end. They also had sharp claws on their hands and feet. 

They had spent long months at the hands of the rebel watchers before being rescued by different organizations. Grian and Taurtis were taken by the Royal Watchers and transformed into Watchers themselves. Martyn, Big B, Jimmy, and Tomohawk were rescued by the Listeners and transformed in Listeners themselves. The attack on the rebel watcher base by the Royal Watchers and Listeners left the remaining members floating in the void before being rescued by Admins. All the members could control their voidwalker forms and could survive the void (aka. they can breathe in the void/end air and not die). 

But the evo members had to be careful with their voidwalker transformations as during the Rebel Watchers experimenting on them revealed that extreme emotions triggered their transformations but these emotions could also turn them feral. The Evo members eventually left the watchers and Listeners to find their own server but were warned by both organizations that the Rebel watchers were still a threat.


Jimmy missed his admin ever since Evo was destroyed and they were experimented on by the Rebel Watchers before being rescued by the Listeners. Jimmy didn't even know if Grian was alive. Jimmy stayed with some friends in Empires SMP and made his own empire. They were now in Season 2 and he had a Mesa Empire named Tumble town. The other emperors made jokes that he was a toy since he looked similar to the Sheriff Woody from Toy Story. He had lost all respect of the other empire leaders and was mocked daily by them. Jimmy struggled to control his voidwalker form as he was slowly breaking from the taunts and jokes.

The days passed by as normal but soon an emergency server meeting was called. Jimmy appeared but was thrown out the others declaring him not fit to be an empire leader no more. Jimmy frowned and returned to tumble town only notice the Fae tree was missing.

"Wait a minute. Where did the Fae go?" Jimmy questioned.

"Ah yes where did they go?" A voice said behind Jimmy who froze as the voice grabbed his shoulder. 

Sorry to leave this on a cliff hanger but it's late at night where i am at and i want to get some sleep. But you guys were begging me for some updates so i delivered! hope you enjoyed!!!

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