Loss of Control - Jimmy Angst

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The information of Jimmy being a Listener was not well known. Only Grian and the other evolutionists knew Jimmy was a listener. Listener magic was very similar to Watcher magic, those who are listeners have to use their magic often or they would lose control of keeping their human form.

This unfortunate event happened to Jimmy.


Jimmy was used to all the toy jokes but it was soon getting to be a bit much. Joel was constantly making fun of Jimmy to the point Jimmy could no longer do anything. This also had an effect on Jimmy's schedule. Jimmy had set days he would use his Listener Magic and with Joel constantly messing with him, Jimmy could not get away to use his magic.

Jimmy soon had a day where all the empire leaders were gathering for a meeting. The meeting area was at Stratos so Joel wouldn't be able to bother Jimmy that much with the toy jokes.

Jimmy arrived at Stratos a few minutes late but the others didn't notice. Joel did however and decided to call it out.

"Hey Sheriff! What happened that you were so late Toy man?" Joel asked and Jimmy scowled at him. Joel then continued with the meeting but as the meeting continued Jimmy felt extremely off. A sharp pain started in his hands and Jimmy looked down to his hands to see them slowly turning white. Jimmy paled and hid his hands under the table. 

Jimmy kept glancing at his hands as the white slowly traveled up his arms, it was a good thing he was wearing a jacket today but his shoes began slowly changing. His sheriff boots changed to green sandal boots. Jimmy began panicking as his outfit slowly changed. Jimmy suppressed it and it began causing him extreme pain.

Jimmy soon doubled over his head hitting the table. Gem looked over confused but alerted the others.

"Jimmy? Are you okay?" Shelby asked and Jimmy realized everyone was staring at him.

"I-I have to go." Jimmy said and he ran out the door. Jimmy ran to the unfinished arena on the other side of stratos. Jimmy hid as he heard the others calling for him. Jimmy clenched his fists and writhed in his spot as he slowly took on the rest of his listener form. Jimmy's hair turned white and his skin also turned white. 

(Jimmy's Listener form looks like Nadia225's Listener Form just for clarification)

Jimmy was panting hard once he finished transforming since he hurt quite a bit. Jimmy moved out of his hiding spot and stretched his wings to relieve the cramps building.

"LISTENER!!" Jimmy heard someone scream and he looked up and moved just in time as Joel nearly hit him with a sword. Jimmy tried getting out of the arena but the others quickly moved and managed to tie him up.

They put Jimmy in a cage and took rounds watching him to make sure he didn't escape.

"What are you doing here? Where did you take Jimmy?" Joey asked when it was his turn to watch him, "ANSWER ME.!!"

Jimmy just shrunk away as tears streamed down his eyes. Typically when Jimmy forcefully turns into his listener form it lasts for a day before he turns back. Joey and Fwip were being particularly harsh and started hurting Jimmy not knowing it was him.

It was around Midnight when the shifts finally changed, cuts and bruises covered Jimmy's body from Joey and Fwip hurting him. Jimmy didn't dare to sleep afraid even though he was tired. Before Joey left, Joey had forced Jimmy to drink a mix of poison and a harming potion. Joel was watching Jimmy now, Joel wasn't doing much until he heard a loud bang. Joel looked up to see that JImmy had fallen on his side and had stopped moving.

"hey?" Joel gently said opening the cage just as Jimmy began glowing. Jimmy turned back into his human form making Joel jump back in shock. Joel then moved back to Jimmy worried since Jimmy was painfully still.

"Jimmy? Hey. Jimmy!" Joel cried worried as suddenly a blood stream dribbled out of the side of Jimmy's mouth. 


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