Beach Party - Empires Season 2

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(In this Au, Jimmy is a cod hybrid but he hides it afraid of what the others would think. Only Lizzie knows he is a cod hybrid.)

The Empires server was a colorful place. They were always active and enjoyed each others time. Joey proposed a beach day and everyone came. While the others were having fun Jimmy remain on the beach in a short sleeve shirt and shorts underneath an umbrella.

"Aw is the little toy afraid to get wet?" Joel teases and Jimmy kicked sand at him.

"You okay Jim?" Sausage asked and Jimmy nodded as he got up to sit under a palm tree. Jimmy was feeling more tired than usual so he decided to take a nap.

(Jimmy feels more tired because his scales on his shoulders and legs are dehydrated. He is also dehydrated in thirst terms.)

Jimmy fell asleep at the palm tree and Lizzie noticed. She became worried so she got out of the water and toward Jimmy. She felt his head and he was normal temperature but his skin felt dry. she then checked his scales and grew scared when they were very dry to the touch.

"Oh no." Lizzie said and she picked Jimmy up bridal style before rushing to the water. The others noticed as she dragged Jimmy into the water. She waded out to the deeper side before gently dunking Jimmy under, "Come on Jimmy don't do this to me."

She brought him out of the water and he took a breath in before she dunked him under again. She used her legs to keep him under as she dunked her face under the water. She used her fingers to rub the sides of his neck which coaxed open his gills and he began breathing underwater. She then moved her hands to his legs and felt them changing slowly. 

Lizzie then popped her head out of the water and began moving him slowly to deeper water. The others watched her from afar as she was a far ways out. Lizzie watched Jimmy as his legs merged together and formed a mertail but with the colors of cod. Jimmy's ears became fins, his hands became webbed and his nails were sharp.

"Jimmy?" Lizzie questioned and Jimmy coughed once underwater before opening his eyes.

"Lizzie? What's going on?" Jimmy asked but it came out as bubbles. He pushed himself up to the surface and Lizzie promptly slapped him, "OW!"

"You deserve that! You know how important it is to stay hydrated JImmy!" Lizzie yelled and Jimmy shrunk away.

"Sorry." Jimmy said and Lizzie sighed.

"So what happened to Jimmy?" Fwip asked as he came over to them in a boat. This in turn scared Jimmy and he dunked underwater afraid.

"Jimmy!! It's about time they knew. Come up here." Lizzie said and Jimmy slowly came up as the others came up in boats.

"Whoa! You've got fins for ears! Are you a hybrid?" Joey said in shock.

"Yeah." Jimmy said shyly.

"What sort of hybrid?" Scott asked.

"I'm a cod hybrid." Jimmy said and Joel began laughing until Jimmy bit his leg.

"YAAHHHH GET OFF!!!!" JOEL cried and Jimmy pulled back with a chunk of his leg.

(Cod are cannibalistic in this fic)

Jimmy munched on the leg chunk while the others were disgusted before laughing. Jimmy smiled knowing he felt at home with his friends and that they accepted him.

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