Of the Burning Past - Hermits - P3

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--8 years later--

~Grian POV~

8 years have passed from the beginning of my new life. I learned the new rules and concepts of the world i awoke in. I also learned new things about myself as well. I still had my powers from my original life and that i could gain new ones. My wings could also change colors, i typically kept them red macaw colors to give myself a more friendly look.

I learned many things. I even took the training to be an Admin and i gained friends that way soon starting a server of my own. But with a new world it also came with new dangers such as the Watchers, God-like beings who oversaw everything in this new world. I was taken by these beings and gained some of their powers which just fueled my own original powers. Their society was very wrong in many ways so i ran and escaped from them accidentally crashing in another server in my frantic escape.

This server was Hermitcraft. A group of 25 other people with a single admin overseeing the ';server. They let me join their group seeing me on the run from my past. This is where i am now, Season 9 of Hermitcraft.


~3rd POV~

The new season was going rather well and ren had been named King of the server. Ren was doing fairly well as King but Ren had found something underneath his castle so he called everyone to come investigate with him.

Grian went over and they entered the basement to see an animatronic made of mostly wires, a white mask with red nose, and a yellow and green hat.

"A robot?" Doc questioned.

"Ennard.exe powering on." the animatronic said suddenly and everyone backed up.

The eyes in the animatronic appeared and it stood up facing the hermits, "Who are you?"

"We're the residents of this server. Who are you and what are you doing here?" Xisuma asked.

"My name is Ennard. I am looking for the afton family." Ennard said and Doc was confused.

"The afton family is a myth." Doc said confused and Ennard shook his head.

"No they're real. They vanished from their home server several years ago and i went to search for them." Ennard said and Xisuma thought for a moment, "All the evidence i gathered up lead to here. The 3 afton kids are on this server."

"Is there a way to tell who the afton kids are?" Xisuma asked.

"I am not sure." Ennard said, "But i have an idea."

"Let's go out into the sun so we're not all in this dark basement." Scar said and they all filed out.

They all gathered at spawn and Ennard pulled out a small scanner like device, "This device detects remnant. I will scan each of you for traces of remnant."

Ennard went to each hermit and scanned for remnant and soon there was a grouping of non-remnant hermits and 3 hermits who supposedly had remnant. Those 3 hermits happened to be Grian, Scar, and Gem.

"You three have whatever this remnant is?" Doc questioned shocked. Grian stayed quiet as Ennard moved toward the 3, "What even is remnant?"

"Remnant is a substance that allows souls and people who have died to live longer by trapping them inside an inanimate object. It allows the souls to become immortal if they are possessing an object. The Afton Family and i believe several others all have this remnant." Ennard explained as he stopped in from of the trio.

"So this trio has remnant how do you determine if they are the afton kids?" Stress asked.

"They will have key features from their previous server on them." Ennard said and he walked to Gem. Gem was inspected by ennard when he found a small scar that Elizabeth had gained from when Circus Baby killed her, "Gem is Elizabeth Afton."

Gem stepped back, "I give up! You blew my cover you burnt spaghetti!"

Ennard simply chuckled before moving to look over Scar. Ennard looked very hard before spotting a small trinket that was nightmare, "Hello CC."

"Dang it! I knew Nightmare was going to be the one thing to blow my cover!" Scar cried as Nightmare appeared beside him but in a smaller form.

Gem hugged Scar while Ennard moved towards Grian. Ennard spotted the eye patch and sighed. Grian allowed Ennard to move his hair and remove the eye patch revealing the small patch of rotten skin that had remained with him.

Ennard simply smiled and pulled Grian into a hug, "Hello Michael."

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