Hermitcraft Horrors: Ideas

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Recently i saw a video that @agrace932YT made about Grian wanting to turn all the hermits into different types of monsters or full creatures. Let's just say i went ahead and did a full on search for what monsters i think fit each hermit. There will also be an explanation along with each monster so no confusion occurs on the reason lol.

Bdubs - His monster is called the Baku from Japanese folklore. This monster  is said to feed off nightmares and help kids sleep but may also devour hopes and desires. My reasoning for this? I was looking for a monster associated with going to sleep but there was not many so i went with this.

Cubfan - Wendigo from Native American Folklore. I have seen so many Au where vexes eat human flesh to keep themselves from losing control and Wendigo eat human flesh. It also fits with the same ideas of vexes since both are malevolent spirits and forever hunger and feed on human flesh. Plus i thought it would be cool. 

Doc - Dullahan from Irish Folklore. Typically this monster is a headless rider on a black horse but i really wanted to give doc the centaur look as well so he is a headless centaur holding his head to the side. He will also keep his goat horns for cool looks as well. Dullahan's are also monsters whom if they call the name of a person and stop walking that said person dies. (Mild inspiration from Grimmijaggers cursed town AU on youtube)

Etho - Nogitsune from East Asian Folklore. I genuinely had no idea what to do with etho but i wanted to do something fox related lol. Nogitsune are more well known as trickster spirits who are known for chaos. Just fits well for him i guess.

False - Pontianak from Hindu Mythology. I didn't know what to do for false either and i wanted to do some type of monster. Pontianak's are known more as vampiric vengeful spirits who lure in men to feed off their fear but also to use their fear to enact revenge. Why i chose this one? Just seemed cool plus i didn't know what else to do.

Gem - Indrik from Russian Folklore. Gem is too kind to give her something scary but i found this beast. Indrik are kind and gentle deer spirits who live in Russian mountains and in snowfields. just seemed really fitting for her. :D

Scar - Necromancer (Greek Mythology) or Cait Sith (Scottish Folklore). I cannot choose between the two so please help. I chose Necromancer since they are associated with the dead and scar has probably died more than all the the hermits from what i've seen. Cait Sith are a being who witches have the ability to shapeshift into nine times but if they turn into a cat on the 9th time they are stuck like that forever. I see scar portrayed as a vex and cat hybrid a lot so eh why not?

Grian - Thunderbird from Native American folklore. Thunderbirds are powerful spirits whose wings create thunder with each flap while also having some control over thunderstorms. Watchers are strong beings and having Grian turn into his KOV form seemed mean so i decided with this plus i felt like i should keep him in a bird theme. 

Hypno - Mare (German/Slavic Folklore) or Boogeyman (English Folklore). I thought there should be a monster to contrast Bdubs. So Mares cause nightmare to people when sleeping and Boogeymen use nightmares to cause fear and then feed off of it. You guys can choose which one he could be form the two given.

Jevin - Slime monster. NEED I EXPLAIN MORE?!

Impulse - Poltergeist. He like ghost hunting thats all said to it. Plus i wanted to let him keep interacting with the hermits so that was my choice lol.

Iskall - Cyborg or nightmare animatronic? I wanted to do at least something closely related to fnaf because of Iskall's robotic eye in hermitcraft. I need your guys opinion to choose which one tho.

Joehills - Kelpie from Scottish Folklore. I wanted to do something nature related for him my original idea was Cetus from Greek Myths but scraped that since the creature is waayyy too big for my liking. Kelpies are mostly known form being able to shapeshift from human to horse forms. Some people believe that kelpies are considered to be fairies while others believe them to be nature spirits. Sort of fits?

Keralis - Alu from Akkadian and Sumerian folklore. Alu's are known as evil spirits or demons with no features except for eyes. They are known to possess people but that usually leads to the person falling unconscious or into a coma as well as harassing people as they sleep. I thought this would fit because Keralis's character is depicted as wearing a mask all the time so why not? Plus i couldn't think of anything else and i wanted every hermit to have a unique monster/creature.

Mumbo - Vampire from Romanian Myths/Folklore. Once again i could not think of anything else for him to be so this was my choice. I don't think i need to explain what the vampire monster is so i am leaving this one alone. Unless you guys have an idea which one he should be?

Pearl - Banshee from Irish and Celtic Folklore. They are known as ghost like beings who wail or scream at night and was believed to foretell the death of a member of the family of the person who heard the spirit. This one kinda fits for me cause i imagine Pearl screaming and crying for grian on Evo when the watchers took him. 

Rendog - Amarok from Inuit mythology. An Amarok is a giant wolf said to stalk and hunt any person foolish to hunt alone at night. Hey for once this guy is not a werewolf except this time a giant wolf. I wanted to do something kinda similar to Twilight Princess from Legend of Zelda. So boom  this will never change. :D

Stress - Siren (mermaid kind) or Selkie (from Scottish Folklore). Sirens use their voices to drawn in men and drown them while Selkies are the human who can transform into seals. I cannot choose between the two so help please.

Tango - Demon or Fallen Angel. I Still cannot choose between the two. Help. Maybe combine the two?

Vintage Beef - Minotaur from Greek Myths. I see him mostly as a cow hybrid a large amount of the time so why not? Or we could straight up make him a lynel from Zelda?

xB - Sea Serpent. I see xB as a guardian hybrid most of the time so giant sea serpent? fits rather well since guardians are closely similar to sea serpents.

Xisuma - Alien? I have no clue what to do for his. Or you guys could find one and choose?

Zedaph - Griffin. He just gives me griffin vibes what of it? Plus i wanted to at least put a griffin in here so why not?

Cleo  - Witch. I think its better than her being a full zombie and may or may not be a play into Witchcraft SMP lol.

Wels - Dragon. I know wels is currently inactive on hermitcraft but i wanted to include him somehow so i chose to stick him as a dragon having a vacation far away from here. Or we could make Xisuma the dragon and make the wels the alien and say hes just having an out of this world vacation? lol sorry i needed to make the pun. :D

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