Of the Burning Past - Agony - P4

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Gem and Scar simply stared. They stared at the figure that Ennard was hugging in disbelief that Grian was their older brother and the eldest child of the Aftons.

Ennard broke the hug and Grian shrunk behind him trying to hide away from Scar and Gem.

"If its not too much trouble or sensitive to ask how did you 3 die?" Cleo asked, "Since in the myth that everyone in the afton family and those associated with them all died."

"Let's go in order of age from youngest to oldest." Scar said and the others nodded, "With a small introduction as well."

"Ok i guess i am first. I am Elizabeth Afton but you all know me as Gem. I died to Circus Baby and i was the first to die out of all the aftons. I currently possess CB but i currently can't transform for some reason." Gem said, "Also can we continue to use our names we told you? so we can keep our cover to be safe?"

"Of course." Xisuma said and Gem smiled.

"Ok I'm next. My name is Christopher Afton but i am sometimes called Crying Child, CC, or Chris. You all know me as Scar Goodtimes or GoodtimeswithScar. I died due to my head being crushed in an animatronic's mouth, i ended up in a coma which i died in. I was killed by my brother." Scar said pausing for a bit when he saw Grian try to shrink further into himself, clearly upset, "I currently possess Shadow Freddy and i am friends with the nightmare animatronics. Nightmare is beside me right now though i am unsure where Goldie has gone."

The black freddy animatronic perked up next to Scar's leg having turned into a smaller form and waved shyly.

"I'm last. My name is Michael Afton but you can also call me Mike. You know me as Grian X. Minecraft. I died to the scooper which scooped my organs out and turned me into a purple rotting corpse. I was the one who killed Scar and i regret it to this day." Grian said looking at the ground and subconsciously scratching at his arms, "I possess one animatronic but i am not going to say which."

The hermits all nodded and Grian turned to ennard, "Why did you come to find us specifically Ennard? Did something happen?"

"Unfortunately yes something did happen. A large collection of animatronics have risen up in the search of those all involved in the tragedies that happened within our home server. They are fueled by something that appears to be just as strong as remnant." Ennard said and Scar looked concerned, "These animatronics are planning revenge on everyone involved the events, the reason? I am not sure but these animatronics are running on Agony."

"Agony?" Grian questioned, "Are they not possessed?"

"No. Agony is a substance similar to remnant but it is much more negative and focused more of the harm done during the events of our server. There is not much known on Agony but with these animatronics so much of it is collected in one place it basically turned itself into something else entirely." Ennard said and Nightmare frowned.

"Where is this entity now?" Nightmare asked.

"I managed to track it to a different server, one named Dream SMP. I also have found research that to believe that William, Clara, Henry, and Charlies all reside there as well." Ennard said and Grian nodded, "I have also learned that they are currently dealing with an entity that is controlling people."

"So we just need to head to the Dream SMP and find out if Dad and the others are there?" Scar asked.

"And to stop what ever this agony filled entity is as well." Gem added.

"I can contact Dream and see if he can whitelist you three. But you are taking 2 hermits with you." Xisuma said, "You three can decided which two hermits to bring."

"I say let Grian choose this." Scar and Gem said at the same time and Grian shrugged.

"Doc and Pearl." Grian said, "Doc knows machines so he can help if we have animatronic issues and he's good at fighting. Pearl is good for stealth and fighting, she is also skilled with potions."

"Alright it's settled. I will get a hold of Dream and you guys get prepared for this mission sort of thing." Xisuma said and everyone nodded.

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