Damage - Empires

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This is the regular Listener Jimmy AU i have. Jimmy is a Cod/Canary/Human hybrid in this.

Every insult from the other empire leaders was like a stab in the heart. Jimmy was tired of the Toy jokes. He was no toy, he didn't like to be called a toy after the events of evo after all the trauma the watchers had given the members. He refused to be called a toy, but his pleas never reached them.

Bandits constantly came into town and it was Jimmy's job alone to get rid of them. He asked for help many times but the other leaders stopped helping him after losing respect for Jimmy. Jimmy was rebuilding after a prank done by Joey and Fwip when a large crowd of bandits entered tumble town. Jimmy went to work to drive them out but one of them set fire to the town and managed to get the upper hand on Jimmy. they chained him to a post in the center of town and left him there while the town burned.

Jimmy struggled to free himself from the chains as the flames roared. Jimmy coughed and choked on the thick smoke. the tree and the dry grass near him burned. Tears clouded his vision as he tried harder to get free. He saw that the flames were getting dangerously close to the gunpowder wagon near the post and thrashed in the chains but it did little as the large explosion threw him to the ground and knocked him out. 


Joel was flying in the direction of tumble town needing gunpowder but as he got close he heard a loud explosion. the shockwave of the explosion sent him to the ground. Joel saw that a large smoke cloud was coming up from tumble town sending Joel into panic. he rushed to the edge of the mesa bowl and saw that tumble town was decimated by an explosion and in flames.

"Jimmy!" Joel breathed panicking for his friend. He flew down to the town and searched for Jimmy covering his mouth with a cloth. He soon spotted the sheriff hat and rushed towards it seeing Jimmy not moving and covered in flames. Joel pulled Jimmy out of the flames and put him out before picking him up and rushing out of the town. He got Jimmy to safety and finally saw the extent of the damage. 3rd degree burns covered Jimmy, he did not breathe and his pulse was still there but weakening.

Joel pushed a button on his communicator which sent out an emergency alert.

<EMERGENCY ALERT: Smallishbeans has sent out Emergency Alert from Tumble Town: EMERGENCY ALERT>


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