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Just a stand alone fic. But within the Jimmy is Link AU. But this time with a twist. ;D


It had been many years since the events of the demon king rising to power and then being slain by Link. Link had left hyrule not long after the events that transpired heading to a land outside of Hyrule in search of a new life. He carried all of his gear with him including the Master Sword and the Purah Pad. Link soon found the land of empires and met with the rulers there. He made a new name for himself as Jimmy Solidarity instead of Link Faron. He stayed with them for a few years before leaving after a devastating catastrophe and went to explore other regions before returning and becoming the Sheriff of his now new empire called Tumble Town.

Link kept his previous hylian gear and the master sword a secret using a special vault made of zonai magic to keep it hidden within his empire. He also kept his status in hyrule a secret and using a spell with zonai magic to hide his right arm as Rauru let him make the choice of keeping his arm or being left with no arm. He chose the first option. Link also knew he would have to keep his draconification a secret as well. 

You see as Rauru, Link, and Sonia were changing Zelda back into a human part of her draconification latched onto link himself. Zelda soon found out that she could change into her dragon form at will and that Link was slowly going through the draconification process himself. The Goddess Hylia assured the two that link would be able to change back once the process was finished. Hylia also vowed to keep in touch with the two often as she could.

Jimmy was enjoying his life in Empires, but the empire members were slowly losing their respect in Jimmy as his status of Sheriff and were making fun of him every moment they could. During a build that Jimmy was doing he heard a small chime as he was building.

"Hello?" Jimmy questioned his ears flicking slightly.

"Hello Champion." Hylia's voice came and Jimmy was shocked but smiled.

"Hello Hylia. How are you in these past years?" Jimmy question going back to building.

"I am well. But it seems you are not well. What has happened dear hero?" Hylia questioned.

"The others of this land are being rather rude to me calling me names and disrespecting me. They avoid me most of the time or use every opportunity to make fun of me." Jimmy said frowning.

"I see. What of the draconification?

"Might change in the next day or so. I'll probably change into my tunic tomorrow. Have you spoken to Zelda?"

"I have. Hyrule is doing well but the dear princess misses you." Hylia said and Jimmy stopped building and sighed.

"I know she does but if i suddenly leave him the others would follow me to hyrule and pester me about my past. I don't want to face them just yet." Jimmy said sighing.

"You will need to tell them soon Hero. I must go now." Hylia said as she vanished from Jimmy's presence.

Jimmy continued with his build till late evening and headed to rest in his bed. The next morning Jimmy dressed in his champion's tunic and some hylian pants. He continued to work in tumble town restocking shops and time passed quickly till it was late evening. Jimmy was heading to his house when pain struck him. He clutched his chest which began glowing a gold color.

Jimmy quickly locked his house up before rushing outside as the light consumed him in a golden dome. The dome soon faded as he was fully transformed into a dragon. He roared into the evening sky as he soared up high into the sky. His dragon form was the same as Zelda's but the blue spikes were more green in color and his mane was more wild. He circled tumble town for a few minutes before moving to soar around empires.


Pix, Scott, and Gem were near spawn chatting in the evening when they heard a loud roar. A few minutes later Jimmy's large dragon form came soaring by them. Pix stared in shock while Scott and Gem were amazed.

"Where did this dragon come from?" Scott questioned and Gem shrugged.

"Who cares its soo pretty!" Gem said smiling. Pix simply glanced at the dragon as they watched it circle Empires before moving away towards the direction of the Mesa and tumble town. Pix decided to follow leaving the others alone. He flew to tumble town where the dragon landed and was encased in a bright light. He watched as the dragon faded to reveal Jimmy standing on the sand.

"Jimmy when were you going to tell us you can turn into a dragon?" Pix questioned and Jimmy looked at him surprised but was silent.

"Hylia help me." Jimmy muttered under his breath and a few second later both Pix and Jimmy heard a small chime before Hylia spoke.

"Hello Pixlriffs." Hylia said gently and Pix startled shocked, "Calm dear boy. I am not here to induce harm. My dear Hero needed some help to explain his current situation and i trust that you will keep everything told to you a secret?"

"Of course." Pix said and Hylia gave a chime as nodding her head.

"It will be easier to explain to you if i have a physical form. Give me a few moments." Hylia said before a bright light blinded both boys. The light then faded revealing a figure who looked like Zelda but was wearing the clothes of the goddess Hylia. Jimmy was shocked and Hylia chuckled.

"I shall introduce myself. I am the Goddess Hylia." Hylia said with a bow and Pix nodded still shocked, "As for the current situation it would be best if 'Jimmy' introduced himself for his true name."

"Jimmy Solidarity is not my real name. I am Link Faron, Champion and Hero of the Kingdom of Hyrule." Jimmy said and Pix was shocked.

"Link has been sent here by me to provide protection for the land of empires. In his past adventure which was a few years ago Princess Zelda had been turned into a dragon in order to restore the master sword, he destroyed the demon king and restored zelda to her human form but part of her transformation latched onto Link and both he and zelda can now turn into dragons at will. Tonight had been his first transformation into a dragon." Hylia explained and Pix nodded, "He will remain here as Jimmy Solidarity as we feel an impending evil is upon this land. I trust you that this will remain a secret until the time Link should reveal himself and his mission?"

"Yes of course. Thank you for trusting me with this secret Jimmy." Pix said as Hylia faded into light. Jimmy simply smiled and hugged Pix who hugged back.


Should i continue another oneshot off this?

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