Fallen Song - Empires

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Angst because why not? Also i got my wisdom teeth pulled so updates to any stories will probably be slow. I am in pain. D:

Empires SMP was a lovely server and so were the people. Everyone was kind but not much to one person. Jimmy was the farthest away from everyone and when they came to taunt him about being a toy he felt alone.

Jimmy had lost the respect from the other empire leaders. They had a server meeting and everyone was excited for the idea of a leader for the server but many of them just made fun of Jimmy when he said he would get the crown.

A group of fae had invaded Empires and the other leaders turned their back on Jimmy after learning he had helped them. Little did they know it was a ploy for Sausage Supreme to get to Jimmy.

Jimmy destroyed and burned the fae trees in each of the Empires and watched from the bridge at spawn as a group of fae began gathering.

"You dare betray us?" One fae growled.

"I was never allied with you. You invaded my land that I protect." Jimmy said and the fae growled before charging him. He killed a majority of the fae when his netherite sword broke. The last fae was revealed to be Sausage Supreme who then kicked Jimmy into a wall.

Jimmy stared up in shock and backing away while grabbing an iron sword.

"No one will come for you, sheriff. You have been abandoned and soon you will die by my hands." Supreme said as Jimmy charged but Supreme punched Jimmy in the gut and Jimmy doubled over in pain.

Supreme then kicked him away again and laughed.

"Not so great are you sheriff? How can you protect this land if you can't even protect yourself?" Supreme laughed as Jimmy tried to continue to fight only for Supreme to stab Jimmy with a sword.

Jimmy was shocked and collapsed to his side as Supreme smirked.

"How sad. You've lost your fight. Guess I could bring you to the others." Supreme said smirking as he wrenched out the sword before grabbing Jimmy's collar. He dragged Jimmy all the way to spawn where the others were laughing and chatting.

"Why hello there leaders." Supreme said, still smirking. They looked over and were shocked.

"How are you here?!" Joey cried pulling out his sword.

"Doesn't matter. I've brought you all a gift. Enjoy!" Supreme said as he threw Jimmy's unmoving body forward before vanishing.

Gem screamed when she saw what he had thrown forward, drawing Scott, Sausage, and Joey who had tried to chase Supreme to turn around.

"JIMMY!" Scott cried rushing over, "Jimmy! Hey, can you hear me?! Wake up!"

Scott was panicking as Jimmy lay unmoving with no pulse. He hoped it was a nightmare. He clenched his fists in anger.

"Supreme is going to pay." Scott growled as the other leaders agreed. Jimmy's body was placed in Pix's empire on a bed. Pix searched for a way to possibly bring their friend back to life while the others searched for Supreme.

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