Demigods - Hermitcraft

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This is an AU where multiple people on hermitcraft are demigods or godly entities and they are forced to reveal themselves. Name of AU (This is my name for it): GodlyHermits!AU.

In a mandatory meeting one Hermitcraft Morning Xisuma brought up a notice that was sent out to all servers by the Devs.

"It is has been brought to attention that each server must make a list of their demigods, godly beings, or other higher up being and send it to the Devs." Xisuma said and everyone was surprised, "Okay so i will being through the member list, if you hear your name called you must stand to the left since you will be a suspected Godly entity."

Everyone nodded while pearl and Grian were nervous. (The hermits don't know Grian and Pearl are Watchers or Evo Members)

"Shall we begin?" Xisuma asked and there were a chorus of Yes/Yeah/Ya, "Me, Bdubs, Cub, Scar, Grian, Hypno, Joe, Keralis, Mumbo, Pearl, Ren, Tango, and Cleo."

There was a lot of shuffling and everyone was soon on different sides of the room. There were 13 possible Godly Entity players and only 12 non-godly entity hermits.

"Okay, I will be writing on a sheet of paper the godly entity blessing or status. I'll start of with myself, I'm void Blessed because im a voidwalker so that's easy." Xisuma said and the hermits nodded, Grian and Pearl sneaked to the back of the line afraid, "Next is Bdubs."

"Both Hypno and I are demigods of Morpheus/Dreams." Bdubs said standing beside Hypno and Xisuma wrote it down as the two joined the other group of hermits.

"Scar and I are blessed by the Vex." Cub said and Scar nodded as Xisuma wrote it down.

"Blessed by Herobrine." Joe said proudly.

"I'm some Eldritch being, i don't know which one anymore." Keralis said simply.

"Blessed by the Blood God." Mumbo said hesitantly but the others accepted him.

"Blessed by the Moon." Ren said simply.

"Nether Blessed." Tango said.

"Blessed by Lady Death." Cleo said smiling.

Soon it was only Grian and Pearl who were hiding behind chairs, Xisuma frowned, distraught that they were afraid, "It's Okay you two. The Devs won't do anything with this information."

"I'll go first." Pearl said and Xisuma nodded. Pearl stepped over while rubbing Grian's arm as he clung to her, "I'm the Demigod of the Moon, Saint Pearl, and a Watcher but not willingly."

Several hermits were shocked at the reveal of her being a Watcher but Xisuma nodded simply and wrote it down. Pearl then looked to Grian who shook his head.

"I know his so i will just say them." Pearl said and X nodded understanding  Grian's fear, "Grian's the Demigod of the Sun, the Watcher Patron Xelqua, an Angel of Death/King of Justice."

Xisuma nodded and wrote it down before everyone moved in to give Grian a hug to comfort him.

(My brain shorted out while making this. Lol, no more motivation for me on this one.)

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