Round 2 - Anime Characters

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This round is going to be characters from my Anime watchlist on Crunchyroll maybe a few extras. If you can also guess the anime correctly along with the character you get bonus points. Yes i am keeping track for fun :D

 Yes i am keeping track for fun :D

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Who is This?

Who is this? 

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Who is this? 

Hint: He is the familiar of the main character ;D

Hint: He is the familiar of the main character ;D

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Who is this?

If you somehow can't guess this one you are missing out on a good anime.

If you somehow can't guess this one you are missing out on a good anime

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Who Is this?

Who is This?

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Who is This?

Hint: Dungeon

Hint: Dungeon

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Who is this?

Hint: This character is what Philza based his Minecraft skin off of. :D

Who is this?

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Who is this?

Who is this?

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Who is this?

Hint: Sparkle~!

Hint: Sparkle~!

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Who is this?

Who is this?

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Who is this?

Who is this?

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Who is this?

Cutting it short here since it would have been way too long of a part and i wanted to give you guys a chance at it. :D

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