Fade Away P5

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The black faded from my vision and i blinked my eyes open. I was in the tundra where i had settled my home in the Dream SMP.

Everything was much bigger than i was and i looked down at my body to see that i was a crow. A black crow with pink and crimon tipped feathers. On my right ankle i wore a small gold band that held an emerald on a chain. My crown was also on my head but it was much smaller than before.

"I'm a crow? Oh that is what they meant when they said i will become one like those who follow the angel. Wait angel? did they mean Phil?" I asked myself and i flapped my wings. i rose into the air and soon i was flying around the tundra.

I loved flying instantly. It made me feel free and there was no limits to where i could go.

I soon spotted my old home but no one was there. I flew towards Lmanburg where i spotted Tubbo, Ranboo, Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Dream, and Sam alll talking. I landed on a tree branch and watched them.

"Phil!" I cried but it came out as a caw and Phil didn't turn to face me.

"He cannot hear you. In this form you don't speak english. We all use Brian, he translates for us." another crow said appearing. This crow had purple tipped feathers with streaks of silver and white. It wore a little band on its ankle with the symbol for Twitch, "I am Twitch. I'm one of the Moderators for Philza's murder of crows. Who may you be?"

"I'm his friend, Technoblade, i died and i was brought back as a crow." Techno said and Twitch nodded.

"I see. Come with me. You should meet the other moderators." Twitch said as he flew into the sky with Techno following. They flew back to the tundra where Techno could see 2 crows talking to the others.

"Hi Twitch! Who's this?" The female crow asked turning to them as they landed.

"This is WolfytheWitch and IanBeanlio. Two of our Moderators." Twitch said and Techno nodded to them, "Wolfy, Ian. This is Technoblade. I believe you two remember him."

"Yeah we do remember him. When he died Phil was so sad. How did you become a crow?" Wolfy asked cocking her head at Techno.

"I don't know. I was floating in the void when i heard a voice. they said i got another chance at life and turned me into a crow. they said i was not like the others." Techno explained and they heard talking and turned to see Phil coming back with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Nikki. A metallic bird was sitting on Phil's shoulder and the rest of the flock of crows started cawing messages until the 3 moderators calmed them down.

"Brian is the metallic bird, he translates our messages to Phil. Maybe you can get a message to Phil?" Ian said and Techno nodded. Techno flew up to a post and sat down.

"Phil, its me Technoblade i have been turned into a crow." Brian said translating for Techno as he cawed. Phil had stopped walking and turned slowly to the murder of crows.

"Get Lost you lot! Techno's dead!" Phil sounded angry and Techno bowed his head in shame. Wolfy comforted him and soon night rose. it was a full moon and Twitch led Techno to a clearing not far from here with the other moderators following.

"Why are we here?" Techno asked.

"Every 2 to 3 full moons us moderators gain human forms. tonight, is one of those full moons, we want to see if it affects you as well. Warning first transformation is painful." Wolfy said and Techno nodded as the moon rose over the trees.

There was 3 flashes and Techno saw that Twitch, Ian, and Wolfy had turned human. They had crow wings on their backs, feathers on their faces, their feet were human with small talons, and they wore different colored cloaks.

Just then Techno felt a searing pain in his body, he shut his eyes tightly as he turned into a human form. his wings were on his back the same colors they were but this time he had feathers in place of ears, small talons on his hands and feet which were human, and his hair was black with pink tips. He wore a red shirt, black pants, and a crimson cloak that also had a hood to cover his hair.

Techno looked to Wolfy and the others to see they all wore a necklace with the moderator symbol. Techno had the same necklace and Wolfy was shocked.

"I guess welcome to the team of Moderators." Wolfy said and Techno nodded, "It certainly wasn't phil that made you a moderator crow. It could have been Kristin, but im not sure."

"Maybe. As much as it pains me to say this, but we can't let Phil know. Not unless we know for certain. We don't know if the one who revived techno is someone evil." Ian said and Techno agreed. They remained in the clearing till morning where they changed back into crows.

Wolfy explained to Techno that each moderator had to watch one member of SBI. Twitch was the moderator that had kept an eye on Techno. Wolfy watches over Phil, Ian over Tommy, Twitch over Ranboo, which meant Wilbur was going to be watched by Techno. Wolfy also explained that unless necessary they had the power to turn into their human forms, but they did it rarely.

Techno flew into the air searching for wilbur and soon found him talking to Quackity and Tommy. Ian landed next to him watching over tommy.

The conversation went on normally and soon they divided. Tommy walked one way alone while Wilbur talked with quackity heading towards Las Nevadas. Techno glided above Wilbur hoping to stay out of sight while he followed the two.

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