LU - Scars and Stories

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Jimmy will be referred as Wild through this story. Enjoy :D

The chain had been dropped in Time's hyrule and he led them to Lon Lon ranch where they rested. Wild has discarded his weapons and went to hang out the the others who were sharing stories. Wild didn't think much of many of the stories but Warriors looked at Wild.

"Got any stories?" he questioned and Wild looked at the ground.

"Depends on what you want to hear." Wild said and Hyrule shrugged.

"I guess anything from your adventure as the Hero." Hyrule suggested.

"Um...i had three quests. Though, one of them wasn't technically in Hyrule." Wild said and the others were intrigued. My first quest happened after i woke up. I was to defeat Calamity Ganon and find Zelda who was keeping Ganon sealed away in the castle. My second quest was after i defeated Calamity Ganon, it was in the Land of Empires an kingdom of its own just a few days journey outside of hyrule. I was to defeat a demon by the name of Xornoth, he was not as strong as Ganon but he was just as cunning. My third quest happened after my second quest and it was to once again defeat Ganon but this time with the help of the first king of Hyrule ironically."

"It seems you had quite an adventure." Twilight said and Wild nodded.

"Memories of my time before my first quest still evades me." Wild mumbled as he pulled his knees in close to him.

"I guess that enough for now. Let's settle down for the night, Warriors you take first watch, then wind, then Hyrule Ok?" Time said and everyone nodded.

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