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Amy sings as she waltz around her shop outing freshly baked muffins on one of the shelves. Male customers sigh and watch the stunning pink hedgehog wonder around placing treats on different shelves. "Soooo beautiful" one of them said. She hums as she pulls out fresh honey croissants from the oven as the door rang. "Welcome to sweet Rosie's how can I help you?" She said setting the tray down. "Oh hello sonic!" She smiled at the blue hedgehog with green eyes. "Hey Ames can I have a honey croissant with a coffee black please?" He asked. "Yep just made a fresh batch" she smiled. "You're the best Ames" Sonic praised. "No problem" the door rang again when a black hedgehog with red streaks walks in. "Hey Shadow!" Amy said placing Sonic's order on the counter. "Hey Amy the usual please" Shadow said. "Ok let me ring up sonic and I'll get to it" she said and Shadow nods. Sonic and Shadow stayed quiet standing next to each other. "Ok sonic your total is $2.45" she smiled and Sonic pays her. "Thanks again Ames" Sonic smiles and walks away. "Same for you Shadow" Amy said making his order. "Thank you" he replied and then a red echidna walks in. "Hey Ames" "hey knuckles the shipment is in the back. "Ok im on it" he said and walks back as she rang up Shadow. "Since when does he-" "He helps me out with shipments come in." She smiled. "Ah ok" shadow said paying. "Listen Amy i Umm was wondering....." shadow begins to say but froze looking into her stunning green eyes. "Yes?" She smiled and Shadow sighs. "If I could have another honey croissant please...." He said and she smiled giving him one for free. "Way to go Shadow you blew it.... Again" he thought leaving. "Damn shadow that was just as bad as last week" Sonic chuckled. "Shut up blue at least I didn't run into a pole like you did" Shadow snapped and sonic let out a growl. "Careful blue your eyes are glowing." Shadow said. "Humph" Sonic said and walked away to right into another pole. "HA!" Shadow laughed. "Fuck you shadz...." Sonic huffed and walked away. Amy giggles seeing the two male hedgehogs talking then sonic running into a pole. She shakes her head as she brews up more coffee.

"What am I going to do with those two?"

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