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"KNUCKLES LET ME GO!!!" She screamed again struggling to get out of his grip. "No I waited to long for this and those hedgehogs aren't going to get in my way." He smiled and starts licking her neck. "STOP!" She yelled tears falling in disbelief that someone she thought was her friend is doing this to her. Shadow and Sonic appear out of the blue and yank knuckles off of Amy tossing him into the dining area. "WHAT THE FUCK KNUX! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!!!" Sonic yelled in disbelief that his friend would do this as his wolf side starts to come out. "YOU WILL PAY FOR TOUCHING HER!!!!" Shadow yelled baring his fangs. The two growled as they approached the echidna as he was getting up knowing he would be scared seeing them in their monster forms. "How did you two manage to get here in time to save this girl again." He said and starts laughing a familiar laugh. "You're not knuckles....." Amy said in fear. "No I'm not my dear succulent rose I just possessed his body while his soul is my prisoner~" he smiled as his body starts to turn into the shadowy figure. "WHERE IS KNUCKLES!" Both hedgehogs yelled. "I won't tell~ now until we meet again my rose~ I will make you my bride next time~" shadow and sonic lunged at him but he disappears making them both crash into the wall. "Are you two ok?!" Amy asked in worry as they shake off the plaster. "Yeah we're ok Amy are you ok?" "Yes but we need to find knuckles he's in more danger now than me...." Amy said worried about their friend. "That is true we need to find him or he's going to end up like the rest of them." Shadow agreed and Sonic nods feeling a bit of relief that it wasnt really knuckles hurting Amy.
The next day Amy had her bakery closed for repairs but she went to the local shelter's donating the pastries that couldn't be sold due to the early "closing"  the dark one did. She felt happy that sonic and shadow showed up during their lunch and saved her again. Deep down she still worries about her friend. "Knuckles I hope you're okay...." She sighs then her phone rings. "Hello?" "AMY YOU AND THE OTHERS GET HERE TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" Tails yelled over the phone. "Wait whoa tails slow down why?" Amy asked and tails breathes. "They found knuckles clinging to life and he's beat up bad." Tails said and Amy bolts to the hospital. Sonic and shadow were already there confirming it was the real knuckles and that the dark one released him but tried to kill him. "Guess knuckles fought back" sonic said crossing his arms looking at his friend in the hospital bed. "Good thing he did because it might've saved his life." Shadow agreed as a tear falls and he catches it in a tube. "What is that for?" Amy asked. "Vampire tears can heal" sonic said and shadow heads in when the doctors leave the room. Shadow places the tear on knuckles lips. He watches the tear being absorbed through his lips. Knuckles severe wounds heal up leaving the smaller ones on the outside to stay visible. Shadow walks out and nods indicating knuckles will be alright now making them sigh in relief. "Knuckles needs to rest but we can't risk him being alone one of us needs to stay here while the other protects Amy." Shadow said. "I'll stay here you take Ames home." Sonic said and shadow nods. "Ok then we will switch out tomorrow" shadow agrees. "Be careful sonic...." Amy said and kisses him before leaving with shadow. Night falls and Shadow had just finished feeding on a deer. He smiles seeing Amy asleep in her bed and takes a picture to send to sonic. Sonic's phone beeps at he laid on the couch in Knuckles's hospital room. He smiles seeing the picture shadow sent with the text bubble saying. "She's so beautiful when she sleeps don't you agree?" He replies back, "Very beautiful" sonic smiled send it reply and sleeps. Shadow crawls into bed with Amy and holds her as he falls asleep.

Both of them have no idea the dark one is currently looking for a new soul to possess to lure in Amy.

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