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Shadow returns home after finishing his breakfast and plops face down on his couch. "Why did I make a fool of myself?! God she's so beautiful.... That's why.... How could someone so beautiful love someone like me? Especially-" His thoughts were interrupted by a frantic knock and doorbell ringing. "The fuck?" He said and got up to answer it seeing sonic at the door. "What are you doing here blue?" Shadow said. "Turn on the the news!" Sonic said storming in. Shadow shuts the door and turns the tv on to the news.
"A body was found the MS park this morning after a pedestrian who like to remain anonymous discovered it while jogging through the park. Police have confirmed their is a possible killer on the loose."

"Holy shit that's near Amy's shop." "I know but this is the third attack Shadow that's in that park. We need to go there tonight." Sonic said. "I agree Sonic but first we need to inform Amy to be careful tonight." Shadow said. "I already handled that Rouge is going to pick her up" "I can't believe I'm saying this but good work Sonic." Shadow said and Sonic smiled proudly. "Ok tonight we find out who's behind this and bring them down"

Amy hums as she hands out the last of the baked goods to the police officers before closing up. "Thank you Ms. Rose you stay safe ok?" One of the officers said. "I will officer my friend is picking me up once I finish closing up shop." Amy smiled. "Ok I would hate to loose the cities sweetheart to a cold blood killer." The other officer said. "Awww thank you guys have a nice night" she waved and the officers leave while she locks the door. She starts cleaning up the shop, counting today's sales, putting the profit she made in the deposit bag, and finally shutting the lights off in the back. She walks outside and locks the door.
An hour passed and Rouge still hasn't arrived to get Amy. "Seriously? Know what forget it I'm going home" she decided to cut through the park since it's a short cut to her house. "Note to self have Daisy come and pick me up next time" she huffed. As she was walking she felt someone following her. She turns seeing a dark figure and she starts walking faster. The figure walks faster as well. Heart was racing so she ran. Th figure ran after her. She felt the adrenaline flowing through her body as she heard the figure getting closer. Before she could pull out her hammer the figure grabs her. "LET ME GO!!!!!" She screamed before the figure cups her mouth. She felt herself being dragged into the wooden part of the park scare of being raped and killed. "GET OFF OF HER!" She heard two voice yell. The figure released Amy and she ran but something told her to go back. As she ran back sees sonic and shadow facing the unknown creature. "We told your kind to stay away from her!" Sonic yelled as his eyes glowed. "Now you're going to pay the price!" Shadow yelled and Amy saw something grow in his mouth. Sonic growled as he turns into a large blue wolf. "Oh my god...... Sonic is a werewolf?!" Shadow hissed exposing large fangs at the creature. "SHADOW IS A VAMPIRE?!" The two attack the creature who manages to slip from their grip and disappear. Shadows fangs sink back as sonic turns back to himself. "We better make sure Amy is ok" Sonic said. "I agree let's go" "Well you don't have to look far....." Amy said and walked out from her hiding spot making the two frozen in fear.

"So when were you going to tell me about your secret?"

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