Mirror mirror

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The dark one walks into his dark chamber to the mirror smiling. "Mirror mirror on the wall bring forth my slave who is a ball." He smiled and the mobian appears. "What the fuck do you want!" "I need to know when the girl is fully alone" his eyes glowed. "I wouldn't know and if I did I wouldn't tell your fucking ass" the mobian growled. "Fine then I guess I'll find out for myself" he said and walks away. "Amy.... Fuck I wish I could warn shadow and sonic...." The mobian looks down.

"Good morning officers!" Amy smiled brightly seeing her regulars walking in. "Good morning miss rose slept well?" One of them asked smiling. "Yes I did how is the families" she asked packing up their usuals. "Good worried about us working during this killer crisis" "I would be too if my husbands were officers too" Amy said. "On the house guys and stay safe." She smiled. "Yes ma'am and thank you." said the other officer tipping his hat and they leave. Amy continues to work when her boyfriends walk in. "Hey boys" she smiled at the two hedgehogs. "How's our girl feeling?" Shadow asked. "Honestly good but" she leans over and whispers. "Are the marks supposed to feel sore?" She asked. "Yeah soreness after being bitten and marked is common" sonic whisper back and Amy nods. "Well just to be sure let's check" shadow suggested and they agreed. Amy steps outside with them and the check her marks. "Yeah your just sore baby" shadow smiled and licks his mark making her moan. Sonic does the same making her moan more. "Guys please I need to work~" she said when they start kissing her bare shoulders. "Sorry rose~" "yeah~" they pull away. "Maybe later tonight if I'm not too tire~" she winks and kissed booth their cheeks before heading back inside. "God she's so amazing~" they both said and head to their jobs. Amy smiled remembering how amazing the sex was as she filled up the puff pastries with strawberry flavored whipped cream. "Hey Ames" knuckles said making her jump and squirt the rest of the whipped cream on knuckles face. "Oh my god knuckles I'm so sorry!" "It's ok Amy" he replied wiping off the whipped cream. "What are you even doing here there isn't any deliveries today." She said. "Well I was wanting to order something but since you didn't hear me ringing the bell I thought I come back here." He crossed his arms. "Oh... shoot.... I'm sorry just this whole killer thing and my relationships with shadow and sonic I have had a lot on my mind today." She said washing the cream off her hands. "Shadow and Sonic? You mean...." "I'm dating them both and they're actually cool with sharing me.... I can't tell you how amazing the sex is with them both." She smiled blushing. "Sonic and Shadow....sharing? Is the world ending?" Knuckles asked rising a brow. "No knucklehead you be surprised if you hung out with them more" Amy said as she gets ready to walk past him. She sees her sign was flipped to close before knuckles grabs her arm and pins her to the wall. "HEY LET ME GO!!!" She screamed. "No I'm afraid not my sweet succulent rose~" he laughs.

"I am going to make you mine~"

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