Thr spear

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"What the hell do you mean?!" Shadow said. Sonic tells him and shadow eyes widen. "'s my fault....." he said. "Shadow it's not—" "I TOLD TAILS TO TAKE AMY OUT OF THERE DESPITE HIM HAVING BLOOD ON HIM ITS MY FAULT AMY WAS KIDNAPPED!!!" Shadow yelled and dropped to his knees crying. "Shadow we were fighting demons that were probably meant to distract us." Sonic said kneeling down and gripped shadows shoulders. "I promise shadow you aren't to blame" sonic said looking into watery eyes. "How could you always be do positive or understanding...." He asked the blue hedgehog. "Because shadow if I let my anger over take me when there's a clear solution Or bright side I will never find them. Back at the café when we saved Amy from that doppelgänger knux I let my feelings of betrayal and disbelief take over thinking because I truly thought it was Knuckles and it hurt that I was going to have to kill one of my best friends. You have no idea the relief I felt when it really wasn't him but deep down I was scared of the real Knuckles safety just like Amy's safety. Just like I'm scared for her, Silver, Blaze and Knuckles I'm scared of what tails did to Silver but I can't stop and sit around." Sonic said and Shadow nods. "You really have grown up" he said. "I might be immature at times but I always felt that way Shadz even as a teenager that how I felt." Sonic smirked and helped shadow up. "Let's find that spear" shadow said and they run off to the iliac island.


"Finally my vessel!" The mother of all cheered as she floats over Amy's sleeping body. "Yes my dear soon you shall be placed in her once our minions returned with the ingredients" the father of all smile tightening the chains on the sleeping red echidna's wrists. "Soon we shall possess them both and cause hell on earth! Monsters will roam free and mortals will die. Then we shall go to the next world and destroy the mortals there oh my darling it will be perfect!!!!" He laughs evilly. "Yes it will my love I can't wait— wait a minute... WHERES HER NECKLACE!!!!" mother of all yelled. "What?" "THE NECKLACE THAT HAD THE DARK SAPPHIRE!!!!" She growled very loudly it shook the room. "I-I-I don't know my darling.... It-it must've um... FOX COME HERE!!!" He yelled and tails approached. "Yes master?" "The necklace the girl was wearing where is it?!" He demanded and tails ears fold realizing her necklace broke of as he was taking her to the car. "It's back at the house..... I'm so sorry master....." "NOT AS SORRY AS YOUR GOING TO BE ONCE I—" "JUST GO BACK A GET IT NOW!" Mother of all yelled and tails cowards out of the ritual house. "Minions... so hard to find good ones that don't fuck up"

"WHOA!" Sonia yelled dodging another swinging arm trap. "YIKES!" Shadow yelled dodging another one. "Well at least we know they didn't get this far..." sonic tried to joke to lighten the mood. "Now I take back the grown up comment" shadow hissed as they stopped to take a breath in a safe area. "Hey I'm trying to make a joke because frankly I'm trying not to freak" sonic said. "About what?!" "About something crawling up my back and I don't want to move because I think I trip another trap...." He winced. "It's probably a loose quill turn around." Shadow growled. Sonic does and Shadow stares a the large snake spider crawling up Sonic's back. Shadow smacks it off and it falls into a pit. "Yep just a loose quill lets go" he said and they continue walking. "How much further?" Sonic asked. "I don't know sonic.... I do— wait a minute" they walk to an opening seeing a alter and a purple light shining on it. "Come on but slowly" shadow said and sonic nods. They walk up the steps not knowing what they are about to find. As they reach the top and approached the stone box. "This is it the spear" sonic said and the pushed the stone lid off making a loud sound as it hit the ground on the other side. The two hedgehogs stare into the box and become confused.

"I don't understand the spear..... its gone"

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