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Amy pours the two hedgehogs tea as they sat in her living room. "Ok you two now talk" she said crossing her arms as she sat across from them. The two hedgehogs sighed and sipped their tea. "Want to start shadow or me?" Sonic asked. "You start" Shadow said. 

"It was one year ago shadz and i had left knuckles party to get some sleep because we promised tails that we help him at the shop the next morning. As we were talking someone came behind us and knocked us out. We woke up hours later with our arms feeling sore. We didnt think much of it and we went our separate ways. Shadow apparently wasnt well the next day so i went to tails place. Thats when i noticed something wasnt right with me. I was craving flesh of any kind of meat and i felt my teeth sharping. I panicked when i saw my eyes turn yellow and my nails sharpen. Tails walked in and saw me completely shocked." "That is when i showed up after drinking blood from a small rabbit. Tails concluded what ever happened to us that night was uncurbable and we became monsters. He kept our secret because we didnt want to scare any of you" 

Amy nods understanding. "But what about that creature who attacked me?" She asked. "We call him the dark one because we dont know who it is but its fast and has been responsible for the killings." Sonic said. "Blue and i are trying to track it down and kill it before it gets to you because for some reason we discovered its after you." Shadow said. "Why and how are you sure?" Because the last time we fought it before this time it dropped something. It was a small book of pictures....... of you... it was stalking you Ames." Sonic said. "We promised ourselves we would protect you at all cost because..." Shadow sighs heart racing fast. 

"I love you" They both said. 

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