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"YOU BASTARD! YOU CHOSEN STRONG MEN TO CONTAIN THE WOLF AND THE VAMPIRE!!!!" Mother of all yelled at her husband. "As I have noticed my love but we will get Amy and you will feast on her heart before you take over her body." "Why couldn't we find another woman! Make it easier! I'm tired of living in this limbo only able to summon monster powers!" Mother of all growled. "You need a vessel with the pure aura plus I'm going to have to look at her face for the rest of my life and I know you rather me possess the echidna once more since you like the eyes" father of all yelled back. "At least you're not in limbo!" She yelled and starts to cry. "Don't worry my love I won't let them get anywhere near the spear I sent some "friends" to seduce our little problem~" he grins.

Back in Rome sonic and shadow cuddle up with Amy as she slept. Knuckles looks at the three deep down knowing shadow wants him dead for sleeping with her even though he was under a spell. "Hey are you ok?" Tails asked. "No....first I get kidnapped, almost killed...twice.... And now I was unknowingly fucking our friends girl..... so no I'm not ok tails!" Knuckles snaps and walks to his room. Tails sighs before walking into the living room. "Anything Silver?" He asked walking in. "Nothing there is one other place here we could check..." "Silver that could be suicide...." Blaze said. "Yes but it's the only place it could be at Blaze" silver said. "I hate to say it but I agree... we're running out of time before they find Amy and Knuckles here." Tails said. "Then let's go" knuckles said walking in. "Knux it's not safe for you" tails said. "I rather risk my neck then to stay here and become a puppet again. So I'm coming!" He snapped. "Ok ok!" Tails said.

The four pack up, tails leaves a note for the hedgehogs and then leave for iliac islands.

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