The end

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Amy and knuckles woke up finally much to shadow and Sonic's relief. "Hey are you guys ok—oof!" Amy hugs the hedgehogs tightly. "We'll take that as a yes." Shadow smiled hugging Amy back. "Yeah my head hurts a bit but I'm ok" knuckles said and sonic hugs his friend. "Don't worry bud this time they're gone you both are completely safe." Sonic said. "Good... wait the cure did you and shadow—" "Sonic and I decided to keep our monster selves because we had them for so long we grown to enjoy the power we have." Shadow said and sonic nods. "Wow ok" knuckles said approvingly. "Umm guys since well you're here there's something I need to tell you...." Amy said standing up. "We know about the babies" sonic smiled and they kiss her cheeks. "Wait babies?" She said. "We overheard mother of all day that your carrying twins one is mine the other is Sonic's." Shadow smiled. "That's possible?" Knuckles asked. "Yep it's super rare knuckles shall I go into medical detail?" Tails asked bringing in some tea. "Nope not until my head gets better" he said not in the mood for a biology lecture. "Ok" tails shrugged smiling. "I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to go home" Amy said. "SAME!" The guys agreed.

Months later

"AGHHHHHHH!" Amy scream squeezing both sonic and shadows hands tightly. They both wince in pain feeling their hands being somewhat broken. "Owwww" sonic hissed. "YOU DONT GET TO SAY OW SONIC IM PUSHING TWO BABIES OUT!!!!!" Amy screamed. "S-a-sorry hon...." He grits his teeth. Soon they hear a cry from the first baby. "Congratulations a baby girl" the doctor said and hands the Black and Pink hedgehog to the nurse. "Now for the other" the doctor said and Amy screams pushing again until another cry is heard. "Congratulations it's another girl" the doctor smiled and handed the nurse the light purple hedgehog. Amy pushes again to remove the placenta before resting a bit. Both shadow and sonic kiss Amy's forehead as the doctors placed the crying babies into Amy's arms. "They're beautiful" shadow smiled. "You did amazing Ames" sonic praised. "Luna and Aurora" Amy said looking at her daughters. "Luna because she has a cute little pink crescent moon on her ears. And Aurora for her beautiful light purple color" Amy explains and the hedgehogs smiled. "We love the names" shadow said and sonic agreed. A while later their friends come to visit the newborns and feel in love with the little ones. "Oh I just want to steal you both for a while" Rouge Knuckles girlfriend said. "No" he said sternly knowing her past and they start laughing. "If we need a baby sister we got all you all to call" Amy smiled. It was a very joyous day and it's only the beginning.

A year after giving birth to the children Amy, Sonic and Shadow decided to tie the knot. Amy was extremely happy with their marriage and asked them to turn her which they did of course. She's now a wolf vampire hybrid. Now how are the hedgehogs boys feeling? Very happy with the arrangement and are proud dads. Sonic and Amy had caught shadow on the floor with both girls playing peek a boo and it made them smile while chapping their small hands. Amy actually loves seeing this side of shadow and sonic too when he joins in. Yet what they two don't know is that Amy is expecting again. Shes gonna tell the two once they go out to dinner tonight.

Everything is going smoothly and Amy couldn't wait to see what the future holds for her growing family.


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