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"WE ALMOST DIED JUST FOR THIS?!" Shadow kicks the stone bow breaking it. "Shadz calm down I'm pissed off too" sonic growled. "AMYS LIFE IS AT RISK HOW CAN—" Sonic smacks Shadow across the face shocking the ebony hedgehog. "FOR ONCE CAN YOU FUCKING COOL IT!!!!" Sonic snapped and shadow was quiet. Sonic never stuck shadow and screamed at him like he did before. "I'm so sick of you constantly being angry when shit fucking happens! YES Amy is in Danger! YES the spear isn't here. BUT IF WE STAY ANGRY AND THROW A TANTRUM WE ARENT COMING UP WITH A PLAN OR FIGURE SHIT OUT. NY POINT IS SHADOW IF YOU STOPPED TO BREATHE YOU WOULD'VE NOTICED THAT YOURE STANDING NEXT TO A CLUE!!!!" Sonic finished yelling and Shadow looks over his shoulder seeing what sonic was talking about. It was a mural that showed a familiar necklace. "Wait is that?" Shadow looks at it closer. "Yeah Amy's necklace. Turns out it's a key to finding the real spear. Not this decoy." Sonic crossed his arms as Shadow realized how much of an idiot he has become. "Since when have you become this smart?" Shadow scoffed. "Easy I joined knuckles on a archeology dig last year and I learned a thing or two plus I hang out with tails. Shadow like I said I know I can be immature at times but i really grown up. Now enough talking let's take a look at the clue." Sonic said walking past Shadow to the mural. Shadow nods and walks up next to him. They examined the mural as Shadow holds up the necklace while sonic dust off the old writing.

"The Rose clan has sent the demons mother of all and Father of all back to hell but the fear still lingers of their return. So they broke up the sacred gem and made an amulet for the tribes hero Alanna Rose. The other was formed into a spear to which of the demons returned the necklace and spear must be held together and stab the demons in the heart. They found this out when their son Olla came to avenge his parents but was killed by Alanna's son Massen who wore the necklace and welded the spear making it glow it's light. Unfortunately after Olla's death the spear broke and was rebuild into two. He gifted his children Venus and Mars who hid the spears in separate caves on the island. Only way the spears can be found is to let the amulet lead the way."

"So it's not just a key.... It's a compass" shadow said and sonic nods. "But two spears..... great Welp let's start looking for them." Sonic got up and shadow nods. As he began to turn the necklace glowed. "Let's go" he said and they walk in the direction the necklace was pointing to. It lead them deeper into the cave as they walk through the dark water. The light of the necklace lights their way to a opening at the end and they see a glow coming from a old chest. "This is it" they both said and approached the chest. Both of them take their hands and push the lid open. Their laid the Spear in its glowing glory. Sonic picks it up and the two hedgehogs admire it. "One down one to go but what other cave is on the island?" Sonic wondered. "I don't kn—wait! I remember Amy reading about this island. The other cave is on the other side of the island but we have to swim under the stone arch." Shadow said. "So an underwater cave.... Smart" he smiled and they bolt out of there. Once outside the cave sonic picked up shadow and the spear then bolts to other side of the island. "Whoa..." sonic said as they stood on the sand looking up at the arch. "Maybe once this is over we could take Amy here for a date" shadow said. "Agreed" sonic smiled and they walk over to the water. Shadow sees sonic gulp and became nervous. "I thought you can swim now?" Shadow said. "I still fear of never coming back up.... That's why I don't swim under...." Sonic replied but took a deep breath. "Ok let's go save our friends and our girl" sonic said and started to walk into the water. Shadow smiled and follows him. They both look at each other and Shadow took Sonic's hand. "Just hold on ok?" He said and sonic nods before they dove under.

"Oh hedgehogs you're both in for a beautiful but deadly surprise~"

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