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"Oof!" "Yeah watch your head" tails said to Silver. "Thanks for the late warning" he growled. "Tell me again why we agreed to split up?" He asked looking around. "To cover more ground and besides knuckles is still kinda mad at me so I thought I give him space." Tails looks down. "Why?" Silver asked and the two stopped. "So... he found out about me using his blood while he was in his coma to convey a experiment that I thought would help sonic and shadow....." "he's mad that you took a little bit of blood?" "I actually took more than I should've....." "how much?" Silver asked and tails looked down even more. "Tails how much?" "6 pints....." "SIX?! You nearly killed him! What the hell tails!" Silver yelled shocked. "I'm sorry! I thought since he had the chaos energy in his blood I could use that to reverse shadow and sonics monster forms." Tails said and turned to walk letting silver walk ahead. "Tails that's not how.... Wait a minute... tails you said it was uncureable and—" Silver felt a sharp pain on his head and falls over. Tails pins his wrist a smiles. "You are smarter than you look too bad you're going to serve the father of all." He smiled exposing fangs and eyes turned red. "YOU DOUBLE CROS—AGGHHHHHH" sliver screamed as tails drains him of his blood and injects the venom.

"Blaze did you hear that? That was silver!" Knuckles said. "Damn it fox you did it too soon" she hissed. "What the fuck are—" Knuckles falls to the ground as blazes eyes turned red. "We have him master" she said and the father of all appears behind her. "Good work my fledgling now take him to the ritual house. While I send our little fox to retrieve the girl" he said. "Yes sir" she said and drags knuckles body away. "Now my darlings go distract the hedgehogs and lead them away from the girl" he turns to three demon women who turn into mist and leave the caves of iliac island.

"DID THEY REALLY JUST LEAVE?!" Sonic yelled after shadow found the note. "Apparently so" shadow huffed. "So what we just wait here until they get back or?" "I don't know sonic and they aren't answering their phones" Amy said walking in. "That's it we're going and you're coming with us Amy" shadow said. "I agree" sonic replied. "Why? Wouldn't I be in more danger?" "After what happened between you and knuckles we aren't risking it" sonic said and saw Shadow getting mad. "Shadow stop knuckles nor Amy were in control I'm sure knuckles felt bad for that" sonic growled. "Oh please you were mad at him too" "No I wasn't you and I both know how siren mist effects people. If I didn't smell it then we probably fucking each other or joined them. So no I'm not mad at him or Amy." Sonic snapped and shadow breathes. "Fair enough...." He crossed his arms. "Ok now then let pack up and—" CRASH "OH WOLFY AND VAMPY!~" one of the female demons smiled. "GIVE US THE GIRL!" Said the second one. "OR ELSE!" The third one hissed. "OVER OUR DEAD BODIES!!!" Shadow and Sonic yelled and shifted. They attack the demons and Amy backs up watching in fear. "Amy!" She turns seeing tails. "Tails! Get her out of here!" Shadow yelled as he held one of the demons in a chokehold. Tails grabs Amy and the run out of the house. "Tails we need to go back!" Amy said. "No they got it..... just like I got you" he grinned gripping her arms tighter. "OW!!" She yelled and her eyes widened seeing fangs. "Tails you're...." He quickly pulls out knock out gas and sprays it on Amy. "Soooooonic.... Shaaaaa...doow" she tried to scream but fell into the fox's arms. "I'm on my way with her master" tails said. "Excellent~" he laughs. Tails lays Amy in the back seat and drives off.
Sonic tosses the demon into another demon and shifts back to his mortal self to punch the one off of shadow. "Thanks..." he said and sonic nods. "Ok bitches now who's ready to— the hell? Where did they go?" Sonic said and Shadow was just as confused. "That's odd but come on let's head to tails and Amy" shadow said and they leave only to find the car gone. "What the hell?" They said looking around. Sonic soon finds Amy's necklace and the faint smell of knock out gas and silvers blood. "Oh no...." He said and runs back to shadow.


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