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I don't know what tricks Shuri has up her sleeve but she can't fool me. I know more about her than she thinks. She wants to be so devious at times but I always see through her.

I'll let her think she has me but I know. I have gotten several notifications of an @bastseesall looking at my socials. I know she knew everything I told her. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a whole file on Matthew.

We've been in the lab for hours and I'm so hungry it hurts.

"We can stop and get food if you'd like." Shuri says never taking her eyes off the computer screen.

"Actually, I'm super tired. I think we should call it a night." I say stretching.

"Okay, let me feed you then I could take you home." She offers.

Would I ever pass up an offer for the palace chef to cook for me. Absolutely not, it's like bast touched the food herself. "Okay, but this is-"

"Strictly platonic umhmm I get it. It's getting old already princess." She waves her hands in the air slightly.

"And with the pet name, friends don't call each other pet names."

"You're not getting out of that one, you'll always be my princess. No matter what." She smiles at me softly.

We get to the dining hall I order salmon, brown rice and broccoli. Basic I know but it was the last meal I was expecting, then all that shit happened and I never got to eat it. I've been dreaming of that plate since I left.

"How has everything been around here?" I ask.

"Great, I've had to tend to my duties a little more but we've been thriving with not a threat in sight. I have only had to put the suit on once since that day." She takes a sip of her water.

"I never did ask why M'Baku did most of your work." I always wanted to know but always forgot to ask.

"Everyone would prefer that I worry about my duties in my lab then have to worry about being queen." Her lips tighten.

Shuri never really took being queen seriously. She only ever cared about being Wakandas protector. I guess it would be nice to see her actually take charge and fulfill her roll.

"How about you, how have you been?" I ask.

"I've been okay, nothing to complain about, nothing to get too excited over." She says.

"How's dating been going?" I ask.

"Nothing major just a few flings in Haiti."

"That's why you've been back and forth." I put my hand under my chin.

I was not expecting her to say that she had been seeing people. I don't know what makes me think she'll wait on me forever. She won't.

"No actually, my sister stays over there, I've told you this already. It just so happens I party a lot while I'm there, you know me when I drink I tend to get a little more handsy than normal. So there's that." She finishes.

I get a little hot thinking about the one time we drank together. It was a time for the books. Definitely in my top five sexual encounters. Come to think of it she takes the spot for all five.

"I'm glad you're having fun and getting out more." I smile.

I think one of the reasons I moved on so fast to Matthew was because I didn't think she took anytime doing the same. I always had this idea that she was out doing her. I couldn't have been more wrong. She was here waiting on me like she had promised. I should've been doing the same. I let fear ruin a good thing. Come to think of it I never got over Shuri. I still love her, just not as strongly as I use to.

"What are you thinking about princess?" She asks as she takes a bite of her food.

When the hell did that get here. "Thinking about how to better our software."

"I know when you're lying. I also know how to get my answers." She smirks.

Shit. I hate when she does that. It's like she can see right through me or something. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some type of mind reading device she made.

"That won't be necessary. I was thinking of you." I admit shamefully.

"I thought so, your breath tends to pick up when you're thinking of me." She smiles

I have to get that under control.

"Believe it or not Shuri, I missed you" I mirror her smile.

"I've missed you too princess."

We finish up our food and she insists on taking me home.

"No Shuri, I don't want to ride on your motorcycle and it's a 25 minute walk. I'd prefer to get a ride." I argue.

"Good thing I own a car" she grabs a different set of keys off of the wall.

I can't win with her.

The car ride is silent. I reach to turn up the radio. I don't care for what's playing but I know it's entirely to silent in the car.

My phone rings, it's Matthew. "Hey Bear, I'm just now leaving work. I'll call you when I'm home.

"Why are you getting from work so late it's 10:00 there." He says a little aggressively.

"We wanted to get as much done as possible" I answer

"Who were you working with?" he asks.

"Bear, you know how much I hate being asked questions." I say.

"That's not what I asked Tyler." He says sternly.

"It was just the Queen, her AI and I." I answer.

"You really expect me to believe that?" His tone gets angrier.

"As my fiancé yes. Why would I lie about anything. Especially when I have nothing to hide." I argue back.

"Whatever work you two did is in the system right?" He asks.

"Of course Matthew." I quip.

"I'll check."

"Goodnight, I love you." I speak.

"Goodnight Tyler." The line goes dead.


"You shouldn't let him talk to you like that princess." Shuri speaks up after a few moments of silence.

"It's okay, he gets like this when we're away from each other. He'll get over it." I smile.

If I'm being honest, which I'll never tell Shuri. He's been getting worse over the pass year. We got our job at Stark Industries that November after we graduated. He doesn't like me associating with male coworkers outside of Mr. Powers. God forbid I go out anywhere without him he's always calling and he'll show up if I don't answer. I just stopped going out all together, especially since I have no one to go out with. He hates Chyna, when she moved to California all hell broke loose between him and I.

"Just because it's okay with you, it doesn't make it right." She pulls up in front of the villa.

"Thank you for having me back in Wakanda Shuri, but I didn't come here for relationship advice. I have it, we have it. Matthew and I will be okay." I take off my seatbelt.

"Okay princess, goodnight." She says.

"Good night Shuri." I get out.

"I love you." She says moments before I close the door.

I walk away and pretend I didn't hear her. When I make it around the car she rolls down the window and yell. "I love you princess."

I turn her way "goodnight Shuri."

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