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When I get off of the aircraft it's five am. I go straight to Tyler's house. I knock on the door as hard as I can. "Princess open up, it's Shuri." It takes a second but I finally get an answer. A tall lanky white man answers. Matthew. Bitch. Idiot. Whatever he'll go by.

"Can I help you. It's five thirty in the morning and you insist on knocking at the door." He groans.

"Where is she, is she okay." I yell.

"Where is who, who are you little girl?" He gets louder. Behind him I see Tyler walking toward us in a big t-shirt.

"Shuri is everything okay?" She looks concerned.

"You know this weirdo?" He asks her. I swear if it wasn't for my princess asking me I would beat his ass right here.

"This is Queen Shuri, of Wakanda." Tyler introduces me.

He looks shocked for a second then he kneels. "I am so sorry for my behavior." He says looking foolishly.

"Stand up, you look foolish and idiotic. There's no need for that." I tell him. "Tyler I need to talk to you for a moment."

She places her hand on his shoulder and tells him to go back to bed. When he starts to walk away she steps out of the door. "Is everything okay Shuri?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. Last I heard from you, you and Chyna were going out and then I got an alert saying that Matthew had gotten through the border."

"I'm fine Shuri, thank you." She smiles.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" I ask.

She lifts her hair and do a full 360 turn. "Unscathed and unharmed." She reassures me.

I hug her tightly. "I'm one phone call away princess."

"I know Shuri, thank you." She pulls back.

"Now go get some sleep. I'll see you in a few hours."

She goes back inside and I make my way to the palace. I couldn't tell whether she was lying or not. I'll find out sure enough in the lab today when we're all working.

   ——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

"She was fine when I got dropped of, then again I'm pretty sure she didn't know Matthew was here." Chyna spoke.

Right now it's just Chyna and I. We're waiting on Tyler and that dickhead to get here so we can start. I brought Chyna along on the project so my princess could have her best friend of course. Also I've been dying to work with Chyna. Every time I extend my welcome to Wakanda she's busy. I'm glad we finally get to work together.

"I went to check on her when I got back to Wakanda but she seemed fine. Only Bast knows what happened." I say.

"Who is Bast? Did he bring a girl here with him? I'll beat his ass." She asks. I die in a fit of laughter.

"I'm sorry, Bast is the god we worship here in Wakanda." I explain.

"I hope you all aren't having too much fun without me." Tyler walks into the lab with her lost puppy behind her.

"Good morning P- Tyler." I say correcting myself. I don't want to give him an excuse to lay his hands on her.

"Good morning Queen, I'm so sorry for my inexcusable behavior this morning." Matthew opens up.

"No worries." I grit through my teeth. It's so hard not expressing how I feel right now. I just want to strangle him.

"Chyna what are you doing here?" The sloth opens his mouth again.

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