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Someone is knocking at my door. I was just trying to get some cleaning done before going into work. I go to open the door.

"HI STINKY" I yell almost jumping on my best friend Chyna.

"HI BESTIE" She matches my energy.

I haven't seen Chyna is so long. We've only talked over the phone. She did not tell me she was coming when I talked to her on the phone the other day. "How are you here right now?" I finally let her go.

"Shuri called and said she didn't want to leave you in Wakanda alone. She brought me over for a long overdue visit to her beautiful land." She walked in behind me.

"Where are your clothes, I know you're not here for a day." I ask.

"I'm staying a few doors down. How are you girl?" She asks as we make our way to the couch.

"I'm a lot better now that I'm back. I've missed it a lot. It's a good getaway from life at home." I smile.

"How is everything at home. We don't talk about it much." She says.

"Everything is fine. My mom has a new boyfriend I met him when Matt and I went to Michigan for Christmas. Also I'm up for a promotion at work." I smile.

"About time, Matthew has had like five in the last year. I'm so proud of you"

"Thank you. I have to get to work but we can go out when I come back. I have so much to show you."

"Shuri wanted me to tell you that you're relieved from your duties until she's back. She wants you to have as much fun as possible." She says.

"That damn Shuri, she's always up to something."

"Well, you two seem to be getting awfully close." She smiles.

"Not really, it's almost like we got back into the swing of things. I'm trying to get it to a friendlier level but she just keeps getting me. At times I forget that we're just friends. If Matt wasn't in the picture I would probably try and get back with her." I admit aloud.

"What's stopping you from dropping Matt. Besides the obvious control he has over you." She says.

"Matt does not have control over me." I frown.

"You said it yourself, he has a hold over your job, where you stay and what you do. I think it's time to leave him." She says.

"I know that I need to leave him. I just don't know how to tell him." I cry.

"It's okay, just tell him how you feel. As far as him having a hold over you, Shuri and I have your back. You'll never be alone, you won't be without. I promise you Ty. We have your back no matter what." She holds my hand.

I've really been giving this whole thing a lot of thought. I do want to leave Matt. Being around Shuri has reminded me of my self worth. The relationship I had with Shuri taught me to never settle for less. It was easier said than done with Matt. He was so good to me before we moved together. I guess I'm holding on to the idea of who he used to be when we first got together.

"I'm going to tell him how I feel before we leave Wakanda."

"That's good, I'll be here too." She smiles.

"How long do you plan on staying?" I ask.

"Shuri wants me to help you guys with your medical project. I'm here until it's done." She has the biggest smile on her face.

"I say this calls for a drink." I get up to get us some wine.

"Everything calls for a drink." She follows behind me.

We cook ourselves a meal while we drink. After eating we go shopping for a little bit and get ready for a night out.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

"This cake is delicious, what did you do to it." I ask my sister.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." She responds.

I just put my nephew to bed. He had a lot of fun at his party. He fell asleep as soon as I laid him down. We're cleaning up the aftermath. More like Nakia is cleaning and I'm eating cake.

"No seriously. Every time I come here I need one of these to be waiting on me. It is exquisite." I shove another piece of heaven into my mouth.

"I'll think about it, I'm glad you came. T'Challa could not stop talking about his auntie Shuri coming. He literally told all his teachers and classmates." She sits at the table with me.

"I was just here last month, I love the way he loves me. He has got to be my favorite person. I'm glad I came too, I love him so much. It makes me happy that I made his day a lot more special."

"And next time come with a maximum of two gifts. He has a whole new collection of toys, I don't need him spoiled." She laughs.

"You said double the gifts I got it. He asked for all of it. I couldn't tell him no." I say sarcastically.

I asked my nephew to make me a list of everything he wanted. It was quite a long list but I managed to find everything. I heard my beads go off. I looked down to see that Matthew had just passed through the borders. Shit.

I try to call Tyler on her beads but she won't answer. I call Chyna a few times and she doesn't answer.

"Nakia, I have to go. I think Tyler might be in trouble. I'll fill you in while I'm on the air craft. Give T'Challa my love." I kiss my sister on her cheek, grab my things and head out.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

Matt has called me several times. I don't want to keep answering my phone for him, especially FaceTime calls.

Chyna takes my phone "we're just going to turn these off and we're leaving them here. There is no need for them. We're in Wakanda, it's one of the safest places in the world."

We leave our phones on the table in the living room and head out. We're going to go bar hopping. We're hitting up Iron Heart first then we're going to this karaoke bar that Shuri and I use to go to. After that we'll play it by ear.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

"It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you. It's one in a million the chances of feeling the way we doooo" Chyna and I sing Can I Have This Dance from High School Musical very drunkenly.

We finish off our song and go to our table where our food is ready and waiting on us.

"I can't wait for you to try the food at the palace. It is so good." I shove a tender in my mouth.

"It's more heavenly than this?" She puts a nacho in her mouth.

"Yes!!" I say clearly drunk.

Together we have drank two whole bottles of wine and we're almost done with our bottle of tequila. I'm going to wake up tomorrow wondering how I got home.

When Chyna and I do make it home it's four am. The car drops her off at home then me. I've been having so much fun since I've been in Wakanda.

When I walk through the door the smell of cigarettes smack me in the nose. There are two suitcases sitting with a black blazer jacket laid over them. I know that jacket. I take my heels off very shakily. I walk toward the living room trying to sober myself up. When I turn on the light Matt is sitting on the couch having a drink and a cigarette.

"You have fun tonight Tyler?" He asks sending chills all through my whole body.

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