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"Come on princess, I know you want to smile." I say to Tyler.

I have her pinned against the wall as I hold her waist.

"I actually don't, not today Shuri. I'd actually would love to get to work. I'm tired and I have a ton of shit I need to get done." She has her arms folded.

I let her walk to her desk. She sits down and works for hours without so much as a noise. I over heard her conversation with her fiancé. She always lets him get her down like this. I haven't even gotten a chance to talk to her about last night. She said some things that concern me.

I don't think she wants to be with him. I think she's marrying him out of guilt. I'd hate for her to be unhappy for the rest of her life. I don't care who she ends up with or how, just as long as she's happy and content with her life.

"I tweaked the program and updated the blueprint. I'll catch you tomorrow." She gathers her things.

"Are we not getting dinner?" I ask.

"Not tonight, I have some things I need to do. Actually I think it's better if we don't go out for a a few days." She answers.

"I think we need to talk." I announce.

"Okay, well we can get breakfast and discuss whatever it is we need to. I really have to go Shuri." She looks down at her phone in panic.

"Okay, I'll see you in two days actually. I'm leaving to Haiti tonight. I have some things I need to take care of there."

"Oh, will I still have access to the lab?" She walks back over in my direction.

"You'll have full access to everything." I say.

"If you're going to be gone then we can just talk now." She starts to put her things back down.

"I thought you had business to attend to?" I asked.

"To be honest Shuri. This wedding stuff can wait, I'm not even sure if I want to go through with it." She puts her head into her hands.

"Why, is everything okay?" I ask.

"No, he can be so mean sometimes. He threatens me and I'm starting to think he might follow through his threats." She looks up at me and tears are rolling down her face.

My blood is boiling, what the hell does she mean threatening her. "Threatening you how princess?"

"He keeps making promises to put his hands on me. He's done it before but it's always on accident. I promise he loves me, he just can't control his anger sometime. I've gotten him to see someone and it has helped a little but he's just progressively getting worse." She cries harder.

I'm still in disbelief, I'll kill that bitch and hang him on my wall as a trophy.

"Princess, there is no reason he should be putting his hands on you. You are the woman he is supposedly in love with. He should be protecting you, he shouldn't be putting you in harms way. I'll kill him." I get angrier.

The information she just relayed to me has me shaking right now. I can't wait for him to get here, he wants to beat on somebody he can meet me. I'll give him a good tussle.

"Wait Shuri no, I have to deal with this on my own. I can't let you handle all my problems." She stands up.

"Princess there's nothing you can say that will change anything, when he gets on Wakandan soil his ass is mine. You've handled him on your own long enough." I look down at her.

"Listen Shuri if you have ever loved me then you'll let me handle it on my own." She grabs my arms.

Fuck, I hate when she does this. I can't let him get away with hurting her. "If he even looks to you sideways, he will be dealt with princess and that is a promise that will be kept."

"Okay, thank you." She wraps her arms around me. "He'll be here next week, I need you on your best behavior."

"Are you going to stay with him." I hug her back.

"I don't know, I need time to think. Everything has been moving so fast since I moved to California with him." She admits.

Her phone rings, she pulls away from me, walks to her purse to pull it out. "Is that him?" I ask angrily.

"Yes, give me a second." She walks to the other side of the lab to answer her phone.

How could I have let this happen. I should've went to America to find her once she stopped answering my calls. I thought it might've been because she was in a relationship and had moved on, she was scared of him. She can't even be herself, he hinders her from doing anything she enjoys. I've only just gotten her to be herself now that she's back home.

I know how abusers think, I get on my computer and send an email to her best friend Chyna, I need to know a little bit more about him. If I'm correct he has made sure Chyna is no longer apart of Tyler's life. He will pay for the hurt he's been putting her through, I will make sure of it.

"Shuri, I'm going home. I'll see you when you're home from your trip. Enjoy yourself." She leaves the lab in a hurry.

I hate that she's like this. This is not Tyler, this is whoever that man has molded her to be. Tyler isn't frantic and scared. She's strong, outgoing and fun.

     ——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

After talking to Chyna I have gathered that Matthew does indeed keep Tyler away from her friends. There have been several instances where he has found Tyler and her friends and dragged her home literally. I wonder if it's worse than what Tyler is letting on.

Right now I'm on an aircraft to Haiti. I didn't want to leave Tyler there alone but I need to get to my nephew. His ninth birthday is tomorrow and I made a promise that I would be there to see him.

After the aircraft takes me to Haiti it'll go to the states and get Chyna and take her to Wakanda.

Chyna really misses Tyler. Princess needs her best friend. She's going to try and talk Tyler out of going through with this foolish marriage.

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