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I haven't left Tyler since I got by her side. I've just gotten Chyna to go home and get herself together. Tyler has been in a coma for a week now. She underwent surgery a few hours after her incident. They said her brain had been swollen. She sustained quite a few injuries, she's all healed now. We're just waiting for her to wake up, this part is up to her. The healers say she should wake up any day now. I miss her warmth, her smile, just her spirit in general.

As I sit and ponder I'm my thoughts, her monitor goes wild. She's waking up.

Her eyes start to flutter. "Princess, you're finally awake." I smile from ear to ear. I start to check her vitals.

She smiles back but she's hesitant. "Yeah, how long have I been out?" She asks.

"A week, you're awake and better now. That's all that matters." I grab her hand but she pulls away. "What's the matter princess?" I ask.

"I don't really like it when people touch me, especially ones I don't know." She frowns.

They told me it could be possible for her to have SHORT term memory loss. Long term was never discussed. "Princess stop playing so much. I've waited for this moment for over a week."

"I'm not playing. I don't know you and I would like if you'd keep your hands to yourself." She gets even more stern.

I'm on the verge of tears when I open my mouth to talk. "This can't be happening, I just got you back."

She looks deep into my face. "Please don't cry babe. It was only suppose to be a joke." Her raspy voice chuckles. When I look up to her she's smiling.

"Princess, please don't joke like that, I was worried. I'm just glad you're healthy." I wrap my arms around her weak body.

"What happened while I was out?" She asks and I lay in bed with her.

"I sent that weak man back home, immediately after I brought you to the healers." I say, I know what she's inquiring about, she wants if that bitch is still alive.

"You didn't hurt him did you?" She asks.

"No, I slapped him around a bit. Nothing compared to what he did to you. I said I wouldn't harm him, I kept my word." I lie, I know as much as he hurt her she still loves him. She'd never forgive me for what I did to him. She'd hate me and I don't want that. It's best that I keep the information to myself. I have to deliver some bad news to her though. "Upon telling Stark Industries what happened. They informed me that the project has come to a halt until they find another engineer for the job. I tried to tell them that we had it but they said it wasn't enough. They want you home and back at headquarters as soon as you are healed and ready for travel."

Her eyes are saddened, she takes a moment before opening her mouth. "I only just got here. I have to call Mr. Powers. He can handle this." She says.

I pull her closer to me. "I'm afraid the orders came from him initially. I tried talking to someone higher up and they gave me the same answers."

She laid her head onto my chest and began to sob. I hate to see her cry. "It's okay princess. I'm sure you'll be back here in no time."

"You don't understand how they work Shuri, it's a man's business. I'll be off of the team coming back over here."

"Not if I have anything to say about it princess, I'll make sure you'll be back."

"They have their ways, I won't be back. I'll be lucky I'm not demoted."

"If we're being honest princess. You could stay here with me and help me with my work. I've always loved the work we've done together. You don't need them to be great."

"No, I need to go home. I have family and a life to carry on with. As tempting as it sounds I can't halt my life for you right now. I'm not prepared to move here and leave my family right now." She says.

I'm not going to lie and say that didn't hurt, it did. "We'll if you go home and things aren't up to par, you'll always have a place here, with me."

"I still want us to work on each other. I still want us to work toward us being together. We just have to do that with an ocean between us." She grabs my hand. "Besides I need to call my mom, I might just go back to Michigan since there'll be nothing for me in California."

"I'll do you one better. She's here in Wakanda. I called her and told her you were hurt in an accident. She's in a room here in the palace. Her and Chyna were here with you everyday, they never wanted to leave your side. At times I had to make them go home." I laugh.

"Can I see them." She smiles.

"Of course princess, I'll go get them." I pull myself from her.

She pulls me back close to her and places a kiss on my lips. "Thank you, for everything."

I kiss her back. "You don't ever have to thank me for protecting and loving you."

"I love you Shuri." She smiles hard.

"I love you more princess." I reply.

I leave and go retrieve Chyna and her mom.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

"I'm so greatfull you're okay." My mom hugs me again.

"Yeah, thanks to Shuri. I'm glad she's back in your life." Chyna says.

"I am too, I have to leave her though. The company wants me to go back as soon as possible." I say.

"Tyler I don't think you need to come back. All their going to do is fire you. They never had your best interest only Matthews. I told you not to work there in the first place." My mom says truthfully.

"Its the opportunity of an lifetime." I say.

"So is Wakanda. You can do amazing work here on top of being with the one you truly love. I never wanted to put in my two cents about Matt, I don't know what happened between you two but him leaving you here in your time of need, he's no good for you. He never has been, I kept quiet because I had no idea why'd you go and date a man and you've been with women all your life. Shuri is a good woman, she loves you. You should have seen the way she cared for you. She made sure you were cleaned, moisturized, she even made sure you had chapstick on so your lips wouldn't crack. She never left you. And when I say never, I mean never. She showers and sleeps here. This is the only time I've seen her out of this room. Don't leave her and a good opportunity for yourself. I don't want to see you come to Michigan and be sad the whole time. I want you to stay here and flourish. Please, at least do it for me. Move to Wakanda and be the best you." My mom said.

I looked over at Chyna. "Yes, listen to what momma said. Stay here in Wakanda. I know I'll be staying, even though the project is over I'll still be here helping with the science development. There's nothing for you in the states." she says.

"There is, my mom." I say.

"I'm fine, Herbert and I are doing fine. I'm okay, stay here and build the life you've always wanted. Start that family you've always dreamed of, I know you're ready and Shuri is to." She comforts me.

"I have a lot to think about, I'll take it all into consideration." I smile.

My family gave me the okay to stay, I'm going to stay here with my girl. I'm staying home.

Sorry about the long wait, life has just been a little much lately.🫶🏾

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