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Something smells delicious, I pull my self from the comfort of my bed. No Matthew next to me because Shuri has him at the lab all day catching up on work he missed. He and her lab assistants will be putting the machine together, well at least they'll be starting to. I walk down to the kitchen where I hear pots and pans rattling. It's either Shuri or Chyna.

It's Shuri.

"Good morning princess." Shuri smiles at me. She's cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, what are you doing here love?" I asked with confusion in my tone.

"Cooking breakfast, what else would I be doing at eight am in your kitchen nonetheless?" She walks over to me.

"No, what are you doing HERE?" I ask again.

"Remember, we're spending the day together. I have that horrid man busy all day so we won't have to worry about him. I have our day all planned out." She pulls me to her and tried to go in for a kiss but I pull away.

"My breath smells like shit and you want a kiss?" I ask.

"Ooh you're right, you do smell very ripe it isn't flattering princess." She laughs.

"Move Shuri" I push her. She grabs my face and kisses me anyway. "I don't care about your bad breath. I wanted a kiss from my princess." She finally let's me go. "Now you can go brush your teeth." She laughs.

I went to go get myself together and met her back in the kitchen. Only this time she was making plates.

"I made you a traditional American breakfast." She smiles like a proud child. "I made you waffles because I know you prefer them over the flat cakes, bacon and scrambled eggs with cheese. I know you refuse to eat them without cheese which I find disgusting but if you like it I love it."

She's so sweet, she remembers every detail even the small ones. She's getting better at her American knowledge as well. "Thank you so much." I hug her from behind.

"Let's sit and eat, we have a ton of things to do today and not a lot of time." She says grabbing my hands.

We sit and eat while having a little conversation. "How was your trip? I never made it around to asking you yesterday."

"I had a good time. It was someone's birthday, I got to party with them and put a smile on their face." She smiles ear to ear talking about it.

"I'm glad you had fun." I smile back. "I want to take you there to meet my family some day." She says taking a bit of her food.

She has mentioned wanting to take me there several times before. I'd really like to meet her family. I know she lost her father, brother and mother a few years back. I know when she gets to go see her extended family it makes her happier than words can explain. "I have to go to the states next month to attend a meeting with the avengers." She says.

"Sounds fun." I say sarcastically. I know how much she hates having to attend their meetings. "No actually, but I am excited my friend Bruce has some new tech for me to look at. That's just code for he needs me to tweak it. I'm happy to do both either way." She smiles.

"Bruce as in Bruce banner? As in the hulk?" I ask dumbfounded. "Yes, do you have a thing for the hulk?" She smirks. "Maybe, maybe not." I take a drink of my water. "Well I'll take you with me to one of his functions. I'm sure he'd be pleased to meet a fan, he has a big head when it comes to those things." She jokes.

"Are you serious?" I get excited. "Of course, but I'll have you know I happen to be smarter than he is. Don't go trying to leave me for him. It'll just be fuel for our mini arguments." She chuckles. I can't do anything but laugh. I forget sometimes that the Black Panther is an ally to the avengers.

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