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"You two can't make a smart decision what so ever. What made you stay out all night and come in on the day of your wedding. It's irresponsible. You two should be preparing to be pampered and married for Hanumans sake. Get out of my face before I chew your fingers off." M'Baku yells.

Shuri and I giggled as we walked away.

I hear M'Baku snap his fingers. "Aren't you two suppose to not be looking at each other. I thought Americans weren't suppose to see each other before the ceremony." He pointed

"Remember Baku, we're irresponsible." I say as we walk away from him groaning.

We decided to sleep for a little since we don't have to get up and active for an hour and a half.

"Princess, wake up." I feel Shuri shake me. "It's seven. We're expected downstairs at seven thirty." I feel her kiss my face all over.

Against my will I open my eyes. "Stop, I'm awake."

"Good princess. This is where we part ways. I'll see you later walking down the isle." She kisses me and attempts to get out of bed.

I grab her arm. "Wait, just sit here for a bit."

"What's wrong, talk to me." She wraps her arm around my waist and lays her head on my chest.

"I'm so ready for this I truly am. I'm just not ready to be a Queen to the people of Wakanda. They deserve some one who is destined for this."

She shifts a little and looks up to me. "I have to tell you something." She sits up and pulls me up along side her. We're sitting with our backs on the head board. She grabs my hand.

"Is everything okay?" I frown.

"Yes, it's more than okay actually." She takes a deep breath "I have decided to step down as queen. I know my family has sat on the throne since the beginning of Wakanda but this life isn't meant for me. T'Challa was meant for the king role. I do a great job at being protecter but Queen was never a position I wanted to fill. This is the right thing to do Especially now that I'm getting my life started. I would love for it to be just us, in a house not a palace, raising our family away from all the madness." She cups my cheek.

I know this is something she's thought a lot about. She's always been about making her family proud and doing what she think her brother would've done as king. She definitely didn't take this decision lightly. "Okay." I smile.

"Okay?" She laughs.

"Yeah, Okay. It's a really selfless act, I know you came to this conclusion very carefully. Thank you."

"Why are you saying thank you?"

"You forget I know you all too well darling." I smile. I remember she said that to me back when I first got back to Wakanda. "I know me not wanting to be Queen was the final nail in your decision. Thank you, I know how much your family means to you. Even if you don't talk about them much, I know." I smile.

She kisses me them brings me in for a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too."

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

I'm sitting at my vanity in our closet. I'm going over my vows. I know them, I just want everything to go perfectly.

"You've always looked over your papers right before presentations even though you know them word by word. You know them, breathe. Today is about you and the love of your life. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be enough for you two." I hear my moms voice fill the space.

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