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The past six months have been absolutely perfect. Tyler and I have been traveling nonstop we've been to Paris, London, Dubai, Italy, Rome, Cancún, Greece, The Bahamas and so many more places.

Her birthday is tomorrow and I know she really wants to go back to Santorini. So we'll be going back there but I invited Nakia and Toussaint, I think Tyler meeting them is long overdue. I told her that we'll be meeting someone there, she doesn't know who we're meeting or where we're going.

As the Royal Talon lands, Tyler is asleep on my lap. I kiss her face multiple times "Wake up princess, we've reached our destination."

"Already, it hasn't even been an hour." She groans.

"It has been five actually." I smile kissing her again.

When we get off the jet she knows immediately where we are. Her smile hasn't left her face since. I didn't think it could get any bigger, when we got to the off shore villa it did. It was huge. We had to cross several bridges over water to get here. There are three huts all connected, one for Tyler and I, one for Nakia and my nephew and the other for Chyna and Tyler's mom of course. I know she's going to love her surprises I have lined up for her.

"Shuri, this is so beautiful. Thank you." She wraps her arms around my neck and I take hold of her waist.

"I'm glad you love it princess." I lay my forehead onto hers. "Now go get changed for dinner." I tell her.

"Should I dress up or are we just grabbing a quick bite to eat?" She asks.

"Whatever you wear is up to you, you'll look good in anything." I let her go. "I'll go grab the suitcases from the front."

I left the room, on my way to the front I checked with everyone to make sure they'll be here in an hour and a half for dinner. Once everyone confirmed I took the suitcases to our room and checked to make sure everything went according to plan for the night. Once everything was finished I went up to see Tyler all dressed and putting in her earrings.

She's wearing a gold satin dress with a square neckline, heels to match with her gold jewelry, minus her promise ring which is silver. "You look stunning love."

"Thank you babe. I'm not quite ready yet, I still want to do a little makeup." She giggles.

"Okay, but if you get anymore beautiful we just might not make it to dinner." I tease.

"Well, it really is a tempting offer but we have somewhere to be in thirty minutes. So I need you to go get dressed." She points her finger at my chest.

"Not even a kiss?" I ask.

"Nope, straight to the shower." She smiles.

"Fine, rain check?" I ask.

"Yeah, definitely." She smiles continuing to put her jewelry on.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

"Keep your eyes closed." I tell Tyler.

"We're not going far, It can't be that much of a surprise." She says.

"Oh, but princess it is."

When we approached the dining area, everyone is there. "You may open your eyes now." I instruct.

"Nakia, Toussaint come here please." They got up from the table with smiles plastered on their face. They know how much this means to me, how much she means to me.

"Princess this is Nakia, my sister and this fantastic little guy here is Toussaint my nephew." I smile.

"Hi, I'm Tyler. I'm so happy to finally meet you two. I've heard so much about you Nakia." She hugs her then kneels down to level with Toussaint. "You are just the most dapper young man I've- you look like T-" she looks back at me then to Nakia, and back to Toussaint.

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