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My Princess has been here for a week now. She has been trying to keep that strictly business persona up, I've been able to see right through it. After work we always end up doing something whether it's getting food or just going to the beach and talking like we used to.

I don't like her fiancé, their conversations get worse by the phone call. He's very controlling and she listens to him. Every time he calls he ruins her mood. I don't know why she's with the guy.

We're working on the companies new line of tech, it's a machine that'll scan a person and diagnose their health issues in .2 seconds. It'll help trauma units all across the world. It's not the tech we have here in Wakanda but it's a start to a better world. Right now we're only working on the software. We won't be able to start building it until Matthew is here. For reasons I was not told we must wait on him. So until then we're working on the technology of it all.

"God Shuri you're moving so fast I'm going to faint, I can't keep up." She says.

"You have to keep up princess, you're almost there, we're almost done I promise." I respond.

"You've been practicing huh?" She asks.

"Of course, my fingers are cramping though." I answer.

"Okay aaanndd, finished." She removes her hands from the keyboard.

"Me too, see how easy that was when we did it together." I smile.

"Yeah but I almost died in the process, your typing skills are immaculate." She gives an applause.

"Thank you, thank you." I bow.

"So, what's on the agenda tonight?" She asks. It shocks me because I'm always the one dragging her out after work.

"There's a concert tonight at the Iron Heart. There's a local artist performing, I heard he's good. The club is fairly new. I've been once or twice so I planned to check him out." I explain.

"Okay cool, what time should I be ready?" She asks packing up her bag.

"The concert starts at elven. I can come get you at eleven thirty." I respond.

"Okay, see you then." She smiles then dips out.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

Shuri and I are going out tonight. It's what friends do. We've hung out everyday for the past week. I haven't had this much fun in so long. I missed Wakanda more than I thought I had.

I'm wearing a laced white corset, black leather pants with a half jacket to match and a pair of white high heel slippers (fyi there not that high, I want to stay unharmed tonight.). I did my hair before I got dressed. I refreshed my sew in as much as I could, it's honestly time to come down. Since I'm not in the office I could get braids.

I was about to sit and do my make up but there was a knock on my door. I went down to see who it was. To my surprise Shuri had already let her self in.

"Princess, you look beautiful." She compliments.

She looks amazing herself, did she get a line up. Yes she did and she got her braids redone. She looks stunning as always. Okay forget all of that, she just committed a break in.

"Thank you, now how'd you get in here?" I ask.

"I own the villa, I know the code." She says.

"You can't just walk in here, what if I was naked?" I almost yell.

"I've seen it all before, don't be ashamed." She jokes.

"Since you want to be a comedian so bad, you can sit down here and think about your actions while I finish getting ready." I say.

"Yes ma'am." She plops on the couch.

"Good girl." I say walking to the steps.

"I'm only a good girl for you baby girl." She yelled out.

God, that girl will be the death of me. She keeps saying and doing little slick things that drive me wild. She grabbed my waist the other day and played it off as if she needed to get by me. She's been pushing all the wrong buttons.

I put slight make up on and a red lip. I'd hate for my face to fall off in the club. I plan on actually having fun and dancing.

When I'm done I take a few pictures and send them to my best friend. I can't send them to Matthew because he'll just flip and ruin my night.

She FaceTimes me almost immediately. "You're going out without me?"

"Yes, Shuri and I are going to a concert thing tonight." I say.

"Shuri, the Wakandan Queen. The love that you never got over Shuri?" She asks playfully.

"Yes actually." I respond.

"Do you think that's a good idea.  I mean I'm no fan of Matt the ass hat but I do know Shuri has a strong hold on you. I don't want you to do anything stupid before your wedding." Chyna says.

"I won't, Shuri knows I'm getting married. I know I'm getting married. I've been doing some thinking since he proposed. What if it's a bad idea, I still don't know why I told him yes. I never wanted to marry a man. I still don't, but it's Matthew. Although I love him, he just isn't IT."

"Okay, Tyler. I knew you didn't want to really marry him but when I said it you called me crazy. You're gay, you've been gay since I met you in the seventh grade. It's okay sweetie." Chyna says.

"I'm still going to marry him though, I promised him." I said.

"You also promised Shuri you would go back to her and now look, you're with Matthew. You're not obligated to stay with him you didn't make a marital bond babe."

"So you're saying leave my fiancé, lose my position and possible promotion, lose my home and move home with my mom." I say.

"No, all I'm saying is I want to see you happy. Whether it's with or without him." She speaks.

"I know, I will think on it. We have to get going I'll call when I'm back home." I say through the phone.

"Okay, have fun but not too much fun." She hangs up.

After I fix a few things I go down stairs to see Shuri watching an episode of the Simpsons on the couch.

"Having fun?" I walked behind her.

"Yes actually, I still don't understand why my Baba use to watch many of these episodes at a time. It's stupid, I don't get it." She says with disgust all over her face.

"Coming from the woman who sat and watched SpongeBob with me." I laugh.

"Okay, that was only a few episodes." She argues.

"Babe, that was thirteen seasons we sat and binged." I laugh.

Shit. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. It slipped."

"I know, habit. Don't apologize to me you never have to apologize for the way you feel about me." She smiles.

I give a faint smile "I'm ready when you are."

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