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"Do you understand how stupid and irresponsible that was?" M'Baku yelled.

"Yes we do." Tyler replied.

"I swear to Hanuman I could strangle you both. Breath. Breath. Did you two not think I would find out. The elders are pissed, not only did you marry her without their blessing but you got married in America nonetheless. The ancestors are ashamed right now." He stomps back and forth.

"It was on a whim. We're young and in love, don't take that from us." I smile and grab Tyler's hand.

"You two will have a traditional Wakandan wedding or the marriage will be annulled. We're giving you two months time." He says.

"Okay, we will have a wedding but not a Wakandan wedding. We can have one American style, I'm tired of Wakandan traditions. You have to do this and that, all the Americans do is exchange a few words and boom they're all done." I sit back and smile harder.

"Ooh" he chanted. "I am tired of the two of you. Whatever you do, it is to be done on Wakandan soil. Now get out of my face." He says.

Tyler and I run out holding hands. "We're really married." Tyler said snickering as we flee the throne room.

"Yes princess, we are." I kiss her hand.

After Tyler and I packed up the rest of her things we took a little detour to the court house and got married. It was nothing crazy. It was just us, Toussaint and some judge. We signed some papers and boom, she is now my wife. It feels so good saying it. My wife.

Everyone in our lives are pretty pissed. Not only have we been together officially for just two weeks but also because we chose to not have anyone else attend our tiny ceremony.

We feel as if we don't have to explain us to anyone. This is what we chose, this is us. We're unconventional and we move too fast. Hell, we told each other we loved one another within the first few weeks of us knowing each other. I gave her a promise ring the minute she stepped back on Wakandan soil. This is us.

"I'm surprised it only took everyone a month to find out." Tyler laughed as we walked into our bedroom.

"I'm going to miss this being a secret." I say.

"Ahh, it was good while it lasted." She lays in the bed.

"Yeah, I know." I lay in bed beside her and wrapping my arms around her. "Is your mom still mad at you?" I asked.

"No, she was upset when I told her about us being married but it was quickly flushed away when we had our conversation about Matthew." She said placing her head on my chest.

Tyler has been going through quite a bit lately. She's been healing from everything she went through in her past relationship. It probably wasn't a good idea that we got married so soon but it's been good for her. She's been a lot happier. She'll be going to talk to Matthew tomorrow. I don't want her to but if it will make her happier then I am here for it. I just want her to be fully healed and moved on from the situation.

"So, about the wedding. I think we should write our own vows." She says.

Honestly the whole idea of a wedding ceremony is stupid. Why should I have to explain to people how much I love my wife? It's worthless and idiotic.

"I thought there were a few written vows already. Why do we have to make our own?" I scrunch my nose.

"Because it's romantic, standing in front of our loved ones and letting them know how much we care for each other." She's now straddling me.

I grab her waist and groan. "I was never fond of the idea."

She folds her arms "I know this is not what we wanted at first but it would be fun. You in a white dress, me in a white dress, I can see it now." She leans down to whisper in my ear "Us having a honeymoon, taking off those said dresses slowly but surely. We could really do some damage love." She smiles gremlin like.

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