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Tyler (5 years later)

"Mom can I have some ice cream." Raymond my five year old asked.

"No baby, dinner is almost ready. You can have ice cream after dinner." I smiled at him.

He's unimpressed obviously but he'll get over it. I finish up our salad and put it in the refrigerator.

I hear crying come from the baby monitor and I instantly know it's time for Lovina, my six month old, to eat. I grab a bottle and make my way to her room.

"Hi baby, I'm sorry momma missed her alarm. It's all okay now I brought your bottle." I pick her up and sat in the rocking chair next to her crib.

After feeding and burping her I hear some commotion down stairs. I run down with Lovina in my arms to see what the commotion was about. Of course I should have know.

"How are you feeling princess." Shuri kisses my cheek.

"I'm okay, why does Raymond have ice cream. I told him no, dinner is almost done."

Shuri takes Lov out of my arms and began to talk to her.

"Hello." I cross my arms.

"I told him it was okay, it's not a big deal he'll still eat his food. Calm down, tell her my little Angel, say everything will be just fine." She coos playing with Lovs hair.

"We'll talk about it later." I drop the subject. "How was training?"

"Everything went surprisingly well. Also I brought T, he went to his room to shower. He and I trained together. In a few short years the mantle will be his. He's going to be a great panther." She smiled.

"Okay, we can eat when he's done." I smile.

"Where's Iyana?" She asked.

"She's at a friends house in town, she's going to eat dinner at with him and his family."

"Him?" Her face frowened.

"Calm down mama bear, I met the family, it's okay. Everything will be fine love." I smile.

Iyana is our other adopted daughter. She's fifteen now.

"I should go over there and get her." She looks up from Lov.

"No my love, she's fine." I touch her arm.

She's so overprotective over our three kids, she's not ready for them to grow up yet. She and I decided we wanted a big family so we started early. I love my family so much, they're all so unique and give me so much life.

     ——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

We just got the kids to bed and we're in bed watching SpongeBob.

"I've been thinking about some things lately." I rub Tyler's back.

"What we're you thinking about love?"

"I think we should have another child." I quickly say.

"I uh, I was thinking the same thing. Especially since Cub and Iyana are getting older. They'll be gone soon. Plus if we're going to be done by the time I'm 35 we need to get going." She giggles.

I sit in front of her and pull her under me. "Are you serious?" I smile.

"Yes, so serious. Lov is trying to talk no, it's not much but she's trying." She giggles.

"Okay, we'll talk about it a little more tomorrow. We have other things to talk about tonight." I smile down at her and plant a kiss on her lips.

"What do you have in mind?" She readjusts herself under me and wraps her legs around my waist.

I lean down and kiss her "oh, we could talk about this." I kiss her lips. "Or this." I kiss her neck. "Oh my favorite topic." I place my hand in her night shorts "this." She giggles.

I'm so happy with the way our story played out. We've definitely hit some bumps in the road but we've over come everything. Our love is like vibranium, impenetrable and strong.

This family is forever mine.

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