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"Let me see the ring." Chyna runs to me.

"I don't have one yet, she'll give it to me at the ceremony. I just have the promise ring." I laugh sipping my wine. I had Chyna meet me here at a bridal shop in France. We're here for the last sizing of my wedding dress and Chynas bridesmaid dress. She's my only bridesmaid sadly.

"Have you gotten her a ring yet?" She grabs a drink from a tray and sits across from me.

"Yes, I had Okoye take it to get engraved. It should be ready for the ceremony next week. It's so beautiful, I can't wait for her to see it. She's not into superficial things but I'm sure she'll love her ring." I smile.

"Ty, you're really getting married. Not only are you getting married but you're about to be Queen of one of the strongest nations on earth."

I've tried not to think about it too much, being Queen is never something I looked forward to. I guess there are just some sacrifices I have to make to be with the girl, no woman I love. It's no small sacrifice, but I'm willing to do it for her.

"It's all going to be okay, because I'll have my wife by my side."

My wife, I love saying that. I feel my bracelet vibrate and I look down.

I'm in a council meeting missing you princess.

A message from Shuri comes through causing a smile to spread across my face.

I'm missing you too, you must've known you were on my mind.

Hmm, what are you thinking of. We're you being naughty?

Sort of, I was taking of my wedding dress thinking about how it's going to feel when you peel it off of me.

No way, I caught you in the act. Im kind of hot thinking about you and our future honeymoon.

I may have lied a little, I just wanted give you something to look forward to. Maybe even get you in trouble with the elders. ;)

Ha, well it worked. Be prepared for when you get home. I'm in need of some TLC.

I'll see you tonight my Queen.

Shit Tyler, get home effective immediately. And make sure you're well rested.

"Earth to Tyler." I hear Chyna yell.

"Sorry, I was texting Shuri, she wanted to know how everything was going here." I lie.

"Hmm, yeah. Sure." She sips her wine.

We finish with our final fitting and the tailor tells us our dresses will be shipped to Wakanda before the wedding. I didn't want to but Chyna and I roamed around Paris for a little bit.

      ——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——


"I'm sure this is something I want to do. I've dwelled on it and my decision is final. I want Lord M'Baku to have the throne." I say.

Everyone in the room is in disbelief. I never cared to be queen, I've enjoyed my time as panther but I'm ready to give it all up even only after four years. I'm a little sad to give up my family's legacy but it's the right thing to do. Wakanda deserves someone who will always put her first. I'm not that person, Tyler will always be first.

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