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"I can still walk you know?" I say to Shuri as she helps me to her room.

I have a clean bill of health now, I was released to go home fifteen minutes ago. Shuri won't let me go back to my villa, in fact she went and packed everything up and brought all of my stuff here. She doesn't think it's a good idea for me to ever go back there. Shuri also wants me to see a therapist but I'm fine. I truly am, am I a little hurt, yes but I will get over it just like I do everything else.

"I know, I just want to be 100% safe." She opens her door and escort me inside.

Her room is a little different from the last time I was in here, she added another dresser and the picture I keep of my mom, dad and I onto the nightstand on the left side of the bed, my side of the bed.

"Do you like the new updates. I wanted you to be as comfortable as possible." She sits me on the bed.

I pick up the picture of my family and smile. I kind of miss him, I probably wouldn't be in this position had he been around. He would've been able to tell me about Matthew before I found out the hard way.

"What are you thinking about." Shuri stands in front of me and kisses my forehead.

"I'm just thinking about family." I look up at her. "Hey, what were you and my mom talking about while I was out." I think back to the conversation my mom and I had last week.

"We talked about a lot. I told her about my plans for our future, we talked about her, you." She sits next to me.

"What plans do you have in mind?" I ask placing my hand on her thigh and rubbing it.

"I told you princess, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to travel the world, start a family. I want to spend every last waking moment with you." She kisses my hand.

Every moment I've spent with her lately makes me feel guilty. I should've never left her here two years ago. I should've stayed. Leaving her is one one of my only regrets in life.

"Shuri, I never apologized for leaving you here. I promised you, after all you went through that I wouldn't leave you and I did. I felt so guilty when I left, I started to come back. Nothing can ever make up for what I did to you. I'm sorry."

"No princess, don't apologize. I hurt you, I sat and watched you fall apart. I shouldn't have let you hurt the way I did. You don't have to apologize for your actions."

"Except I do, when I left I only thought about me. I didn't think about what I had promised. Not only did I leave I left and got with someone else. That wasn't suppose to happen, I should've at least waited for you. I want you to know I never stopped loving you Shuri. You are my one true love."

She stands in front of me and holds my face. "I know you never stopped loving me princess, that's why I waited for you. I just needed you to see that I love you no matter what. Like you just said, you're my one true love." She caresses my cheek with her thumb.

"How are feeling, still sore baby girl?" She asks and my stomach drops. She only calls me baby girl when she's in her zone.

"No, I feel completely fine." I say with rigid breaths.

"Hmm, good to know. I've been waiting to punish you for your actions since you left. I plan to make you sore all over again." She continues to caress my face.

"And what do you mean by that?" My chest heaves up and down.

"I have had time to update some things, make some tweaks and arrangements. I just have one question for you. Do I have consent to show you darling?" She whispers seductively.

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