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"Nadia, could you please hand me that Phillip screw driver." I ask my assistant.

"Yeah, of course. What are you doing?" She asks.

"I am trying to reverse the virus they accidentally implanted but first I have to take the backup informational chip out and wipe it clean. These people are idiots, I swear the software is trash for a reason." I rant.

"Well good thing it's you fixing them, the smartest woman in IT know." She smiles looking down at me and handing me the screw driver. I grab it hesitating before taking my eyes off of her.

"TYLER, TYLER GUESS WHAT." I hear Toussaint run in my lab causing me to jump up.

"What is it cub?" I ask as he runs into my arms.

"Tante let me wear her panther mask and I got to shoot an arm cannon." He smiles hard.

"Heyy, we had a deal T. You weren't supposed to say anything." Shuri follows behind him and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Shuri, this is his second day back here and you've broken all of the rules Nakia had in place for him." My eyes grow wide.

"Maybe, but he had fun look at him. Plus it needed to be tested it's new tech." She smiles.

"Yeah Ty, it was incredible." He all but jumps up and down.

"Okay, nonsense aside. We wanted to see if you were ready for dinner it's getting late." Shuri says.

"I just figured out what's going on here. I have to stay and do damage control before the virus spreads." I say.

"That's what your useless intern is for." Shuri looks to Nadia.

"Good evening to you too my Queen." Nadia tightened her teeth. I feel so bad for her. She has to put up with all the flak Shuri gives her and not say a word back because she's her Queen.

"Shuri, be nice to my intern, she's not useless." I defend her jokingly.

Shuri says something to Toussaint in Xhosa. "Hey, I told you two about that. I don't understand any of that." I look between the two of them.

"I'd learn it if I were you princess." She chuckles.

"I will, once I have the time." I lie.

"Mmhmm. You've been back almost a year and you can't even tell me one full sentence." Shuri folds her arm.

"Of course I can. Ndiyayithanda inyama." I smile and my hopes are immediately shattered. Toussaint, Shuri and even Nadia are laughing.

"What's so funny about I love you." I frown.

"Princess, you just said you like meat. And we all know that's not true." Shuri cackles and my eyes widened.

"Ty I didn't know you were a vegetable." Toussaint says.

"I'm not and the word your looking for is vegetarian cub. I do like meat." I pinch his cute cheeks.

"I take it back, you only like the phony kind." She jokes and I can't not laugh.

I look back over to Shuri. "Watch your mouth." I mouth and it causes her to laugh a little harder.

"Seriously princess, come to dinner with us." She pleads grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"I really can't love, I have to finish this before the virus eats through the code and corrupts the whole thing." I lean against my desk.

"Okay, well I'm going to feed him and get him ready for bed then I'll be back down with our food princess." She says.

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