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"Where is this coming from?" Shuri asked.

"About two or three months ago I went into your phone, it wasn't to snoop around or anything. A message came across from someone with that name. It was a wild text too. I ended up scrolling through you two's conversation and it was intense. I never really cared to ask you about you two until now." I finished biting my nail.

"You say your intentions weren't to go through the phone but that's exactly what you did." Her eyebrows furrow.

"I know but that's not how I meant for it to go." I clasp my hands together.

"Hmm, I just feel like my privacy has been invaded." She smiles, but it's not a happy smile. She's genuinely upset.

"I know but that wasn't my intentions." I say.

"Yea, so you've said." She puts on a face I can't read.

"Are you mad?" I ask.

"No, I'm just a little hurt I guess." She tilts her head a little. "Nonetheless I can answer your question. Kimi is a teacher at Toussaints school. I met her at a dinner Nakia hosted a little over a year ago. She's one of the women I had been seeing over there. At first we were friends, we tried dating for a bit but it didn't work out. So it became a friends with benefits situation but now we're honestly back to being just friends. Do we sleep together every so often? Yes, but I can count on one hand how many times we have seen each other since you've been back. Seeing as though you and I are not back together her and I have still been talking." She finishes explaining.

"Okay" I nod my head.

"That's it?" She looks confused.

"Yeah, I was never to be mad. I just wanted to see if you'd answer me." I say.

"Are you seeing anyone?" She asked cleaning up her mess.

"No, I don't really want anyone else." I shrug my shoulders.

"What does that mean?" She asks.

"It means I'm waiting on you. I'm waiting on us." I walk over to the trash discarding out trash.

"So we're back together?" She asks with a hint of a smile on her face.

"I didn't exactly say that. Whenever you're ready, I'm here. It sounds like you have some things you need to sort out first." I answer honestly.

"If it means we're back together consider her gone." She says.

"Is it really going to be that easy, she's Nakias friend. She's your friend, I think you owe her some type of closure."

"Yes it is, I'd do anything if that means I have you back." She stands up.

"Okay, but I don't think you should cut off your friend that easily. If you two can have a solid friendship I think you should go for it." I shrug my shoulders. Call it what you want but I trust Shuri. I don't want her to shut out people from her life that were here for her when I wasn't.

"You're right, I'll talk to her. She was my friend before anything."

"Thank you." I smile.

She wraps her arms around my waist. "I love you girlfriend."

"I love you too girlfriend." I wrap my arms around her and she kisses me.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

The time has come for me to pack up the apartment in LA and move out officially. Shuri is here to help me then we're going to fly to Haiti to take Toussaint home and attend his concert. They're at the apartment starting to pack up. I'm meeting with Matts mom. I didn't want to tell her the news over the phone. I have to have this conversation with his mom and my mom. I'm dreading them both, but talking to his mom will be a little easier.

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