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The wedding went beautifully yesterday. Everyone had to gather at warrior falls this morning to announce M'Baku as king, Nakia was also ready to announce Toussaint to Wakanda.

All of the nation is still buzzing from the events that occurred this morning. I just finished my final duty as Queen. Now I'm back to being princess and head of Wakandas technological advancements. Also I have picked back up some duties of our outreach programs.

"OH WIFEEEEE!!" I sang dancing toward Tyler. I wrapped my arms around her and smiled into her neck.

"Yes my wife." She gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Are you all packed for our honeymoon?"

"Almost, are you?" She continues to put clothes into her suitcase.

"Yes ma'am. I have been packed since forever." I tease.

"Did you pack the vibranium?" She snickers referring to our toy.

"Yes, it wouldn't be a honeymoon with out it. Hurry packing, I need to show you something before we leave."

"I'd be a lot quicker if you'd helped."

"Fine." I helped her finish packing.

Once we were all done we went to the royal private beach. My family never cared for it so I had other ideas for it.

"What are we doing here Shuri?" She looks confused.

I grabbed her hand. "Come on let's go."

We walked closer to her gift and her face went through several emotions.

"Do you like it?" I ask.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

I'm standing in front of a beach house. It's beautiful. Half of it is above water and the other half is in the sand. It's big and nude colored.

"Of course I like it, is it yours?" I turn to her.

"It's ours, I've been working on it for quite some time. It won't be completely finished until we come back but this is where we'll be staying for now on. We now have a proper home, no more being held up in my room at the castle."

"Home." I smiled and hugged her. She treats me like no one ever has. I don't know what life would've been like had Shuri not summoned me to the castle that day but I'm glad she did.

We've been through a lot separately and together. I'm we ended up as life long partners. I don't know what the future holds for us but I'm ready for it all.

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