You're Weak💬

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I walked back to my class and sat down, Mina looked at me confused and whispered, "Where'd you run off too?" I smiled, "Oh, to the principal's office." 

My phone buzzed, I ignored it but then it started to blow up from texts. 

"Alright, this is your class work for the day." Mr. Aizawa passed out papers and I finally pulled my phone out. I looked at and saw it blown up with messages from my dad. 

Sperm Donor😑


Sperm Donor😑


Sperm Donor😑

Pick me up from work I'm on break


I can't I'm in class

Sperm Donor😑

And??? Get your ass over here


I literally can't do that

Sperm Donor😑

You know what since you want to be a fucking bitch about it I'm taking your allowance 


You mean the two dollars a week...? I could find that shit on the subway streets if I needed to

Sperm Donor😑

I'm not about to argue with you little girl. Come and fucking get me.

I got up and told Mr. Aizawa the situation and he understood. "Kid, I can tell you're going to be a pain in my ass." 

I sheepishly smiled, "Go deal with your father..." 

He looked at me a little suspiciously like he knew of something else. I wanted to ask but I decided to leave it alone. I grabbed my bookbag and left the classroom. 

Some people looked up at me confused, that included Bakugo. We made eye contact and then I turned the other way. 

I hopped in the car and drove to my dad's job. 

I honked the horn and he walked out. "What took you so fucking long?!" I said, "Uh, I don't know maybe because I was in fucking school." 

He smacked me in the face. I paused; I use my quirk all the time when I need to, but something always prevents me from doing it to me dad. 

He said, "When we get home, I'm beating your fucking ass for talking to me like that." I rolled my eyes and silently drove home. 

I got home and walked in the house. My dad pushed me against the wall and punched me in the face. I dropped on the floor, and he started kicking me repeatedly. 

I sat there and took it in, no point in me trying to stop it. 

He didn't stop until he saw blood, I coughed up blood on the ground and that's when he stopped. "Clean that shit up." He left the house and I sat there spitting out blood. I sat up and held my stomach in pain. "Fuck." 

I forgot about Auggie. 

I texted him. 


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