Time Travel📸

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We went home and I kicked off my shoes and took a shower while August was still playing with the kids. I grabbed up Jazzee when I walked back in the living room and gave him a hug. 

He started to laugh and said, "Mommy, your ring is pretty." I looked at it, "Oh, this old thing! Me and daddy are getting married." 

He smiled, "What does that mean?" 

"It's like the next step in a relationship." 

He yawned and hugged me tighter, "Will I ever get married?" I smiled and yawned too. "Hopefully." We started dozing off and Bakugo walked in with Winnie on his shoulder. 

I woke up and said, "I'll bring her to bed

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I woke up and said, "I'll bring her to bed." I picked up Winnie and tucked her in her bedroom. 

I went to bed and after a couple of minutes, Bakugo slid in the covers. He hugged me tightly and I lied my head on his chest. 

I was tucked under the heavy covers. I looked at my new ring and smiled to myself. "You take my breath away." He smiled and kissed my head. 

I fell asleep in his arms. His arms were nice and warm, and comfortable. I woke up the next morning and looked at the time, I didn't have much to do today so I decided to sleep in. 

Bakugo was also on a week vacation, so we just had family time. I got up and Bakugo chased around Jazzee to go brush his teeth. 

I don't know why kids hate brushing their teeth

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I don't know why kids hate brushing their teeth. Like your breath fucking stinks, gawd dayum. 

I picked up Jazzee and threw him in the bathroom. "Don't come out until you brushed all your teeth." I closed the door and leaned on it while crossing my arms. 

I heard silence and then the water went off. I heard some brushing and I walked in to see Jazzee brushing his teeth. I smiled, "Good job!" 

I heard the door open, and August walked in. He lives next door because he really wanted to help take care of the kids. 

Bakugo said, "Babe, I'm taking the kids to Midoriya's place, you wanna come?" I sighed and sunk in the couch, "No, but tell him I said hi." My phone started to vibrate, and I opened it. 

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