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Auggie's POV

"So when can I meet your parents?" I twitched, "Tenshi, I don't think that's going to happen." She smirked, "Why? You afraid to introduce a girl to your family?" 

She was always so sly. She was making my face heat up. 

"It's not that." She sighed, "Is it your sister? Y'know you talk about your sister like she's your girlfriend or something." 

Her face dropped. "I-I... because she's a strong influence in my character." 

Tenshi plopped backward on the bed. "I just want to get to know who's the reason to my great friend." 

I rolled my eyes, "Knowing you, you probably have a hidden reasoning." She gasped dramatically, "Like what?!" 

I laughed, "I dunno." She looked at me and said, "There's a reason I don't let you in my house so I understand if you have a reason to not let me in your house." I sighed, "I mean we've been friends for a good month, and I do trust you." 

I sighed and she looked at me intrigued, "My dad is abusive and my mom is dead." 

When I looked at her face she seemed shocked but I don't know. I have this intuition that's telling me she's lying. 

"Oh my god. Well how do you handle all of that?" I shrugged, "That's what I'm saying. I don't, my sister does all of the work." 

Tenshi got up, "What do you mean abusive though, like disciplinary or hitting just because." 

I said, "Trust me, I know the difference between discipline and abuse. My mom disciplined us my dad just straight up abuses us." 

Tenshi pouted, "I'm so sor-" Her phone started to ring, "Yeah? Yeah, I'm on my way." She sighed, "Sorry, my brother called, I gotta help him with something." 

I asked, "Something?" She nodded. "When's the next time I can see you?" she shrugged, "I don't know, I'm a busy girl. You know that." She saluted, "Catch you later kid." 

She always calls me that but she's not even older than me. It's probably for the better that she leaves because we have to go on a field trip to hero agencies so we can get a good choice for what we want in junior year. 

She smiled and flew out the window. I watched behind her mesmerized.

Tenshi's POV

I dialed Keigo's number. "What's up little sis?" I sighed, "Alright I got new intel on Augg- I mean August. Apparently his mom is dead and his dad is abusive. You think this could be our guy?"

Keigo went into serious mode, "Yeah, the story matches up, he said he moved there out of nowhere a couple months ago." 

I sighed, "I was hoping it wasn't him." Keigo laughed, "Why, so you could date him?" I blushed, "SHUT UP! I'm on my way." 

I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket. I sped up and flew right into Keigo's office. He smiled, "Okay. Gregory is on his way." 

Gregory as in his assistant. 

I sat on the couch and Keigo started walking toward me sly. My feet were crossed on the futon and my hands were crossed behind my head. 

"Sooooo... tell me about Auggie." He teased. I slapped his face, "Noooo!" 

He laughed while holding his face, "I see you've been training harder, your slaps used to be weaker." 

I turned my head, "Listen Tenshi, don't wrap yourself into your work and become lonely and depressed like I am. I want what's best for you, you're still young. It's okay to explore." 

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