With a Side of Tiddy🍋

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Bakugo opened the door for me, and we walked into the little diner. "This is such a cute place!" He smiled, "I knew you wouldn't like the fancier things."

I smiled. The waitress led us to the table, and she smiled.

"Anything you would like to get as a starter?"

She looked at Bakugo. He smiled, "Yes, can we get some bread rolls."

I raised my hand so she would look at me.

"Yes, and some of the butter too."

She smiled and walked off. "Tch, she is infatuated with you."

Bakugo turned to me, "What are you talking about?!" 

"She couldn't keep her eyes off of you, she's looking at you right now." He leaned over to see her staring and he politely smiled.

"How the fuck did you even know that?!"

"I have eyes on the back of my head Bakugo... I see everything."

Bakugo sighed and picked up the menu, "You know what you want?" I looked through everything, "There's no Japanese foods on here."

I looked up at him, "Is this...?"

"America brought to you?" I nodded excitedly.

"How'd you know I wanted to go to this restaurant?!"

He smiled cheekily, "I know you like the back of my hand." 

I shook my head, "No you don't!"

"I know that you saw the macaroni and cheese and now you want it so you're going to make me order it, so you don't feel embarrassed about ordering too much food."

My mouth dropped. "Okay but that's everyone."

Bakugo sighed and shrunk back into his seat to read the menu. "What's a hot dog?" I shook my head, "I don't like hot dogs, don't get it."

I searched through, "Get you a burger with bacon." Bakugo said, "Okay."

We sat there and talked about nothing. "Did you know that you can train a dog to use the toilet." Bakugo said, "You are not teaching our dog to shit in my toilet and not pay some of that water bill."

I laughed and then paused, "Ours? You want to get a dog in the future?"

"More than a dog, I want kids. A girl and a boy, preferably twins."

I shrieked, "Hell, no?!"

"Twins run in my family actually."

"Mine too, my mom's a twin."

"Really?! Where is he?"

"Dead, at birth."

I continued, "I wouldn't be surprised if my dad caused it." The waitress slammed the food on the table.

I picked up on the fact the she undone one button being just enough to show her tits.

I watched Bakugo carefully. "Can we get started on our food. He looked back at the menu and seemed to not take notice.

The waitress got upset and leaned over the table showing off her boobs to get to the other menus. Bakugo looked at her hand and then back at me.

He said, "Burger with bacon." She looked at her notes, "The burger deluxe you mean?" He nodded. "And what would you like as a side dana." My mouth dropped.

Did this bitch just-?! Oh, hell nah.

I calmly smiled, "Can I have fries miss."

She smiled at him and wrote it down in her handy dandy notebook blue's clues head ass looking-

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