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He walked toward us and said, "What happened to you son?" He was acting like he cared. I stood in front of August. 

"You know what happened." 

Hawks walked up to my father. He was taller than my dad which was funny to look at. My brother is taller than him too, but this was different. 

Hawks said, "Your kids were in a fight sir, because of that they will be on a special lock down in there dorms." I looked at Hawks. 

What game is he playing? 

Dad looked at August smirking. "My son has responsibilities somewhere else." Hawks said, "Well he has more responsibility paying for his actions." 

My dad grabbed Hawks collar. I froze him without thinking. This was the first time I fought against my father using my quirk. I took his hands off Hawks and unfroze time. 

"Dad, go home." 

Ever since I kicked him down that day, either I've gotten stronger, or he's gotten weaker. He looked at me, "Who the fuck do you think you are nigga?!" 

I said, "Someone stronger than you." He raised a fist, but then looked at Hawks, and then his surroundings. He came to his senses and walked home. 

"Now that I told your dad you'll be in your dorms, you kind of have to stay with me now." 

I thought, "Because you think my dad is working with LOV." He nodded, "Why else do you think August was attacked. He blew his cover. And I don't think your dad knows that you know so keep it that way." 

I said, "But you saw what happened at the hospital?! You just put everyone in dorms in danger." 

Hawks shook his head, "No, because there are pro heroes in the school, they would want to move more discreetly. Not to mention the fact that there already on our radar so they won't try to be as loud as before."

I sighed, "Well, let me get my shit from my dorm, come on Auggie." August followed and so did Hawks, "I'm coming with." I sighed. 

Now I have to deal with this other child birdman. 

I walked to dorms, and just my luck the bell rung so everyone was going to their dorms. A lot of people were staring and trying to figure out why the hell the NUMBER 3 HERO was following us. 

I said, "You watch August, I can handle myself." I walked to my dorm while August's friends crowded him. 

Bakugo caught up to me, "What happened?!" 

I said, "I... I don't want to talk about it." Bakugo looked at me, "Yo, what the fuck is going on with you? I mean, I know that you don't talk about yourself much but, what is going on?" 

I sighed, "It's not smart to tell you." He furrowed his eyebrows, "That's what you always say. Nothing is smart with you!." We walked in my dorm. 

"Because Bakugo, you can get hurt." 

"Is it LOV and your dad?" 

I looked at him shocked, "Hawks is a pro hero, and your dad is evil as is so..." I sighed and sat down defeated. 

"My dad might be working with LOV. And Hawks has evidence to prove my dad killed two people... my mom and grandma." 

Bakugo looked at me with shock. "Why is there always something new going on in your life?" I shrugged, "Now I have to stay with Hawks." 

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