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"Hey dad. August said he hopes you drop the soap." My dad snickered, "Your brother is an asshole." 

I shrugged, "He gets It from you." 

"We both know he gets it from your mom." 

He glanced at the necklace I wear every day. "You know, you look exactly like that photo." I looked at my locket. 

"Yeah, I do." My dad said, "How's my grandkids?" 

I laughed, "I see why you abused us." He didn't laugh but I did. "that's not funny, again, I'm sorry for what I put your through for all those years." 

I said, "And I said it's in the past." 

"But you never accepted my apology." 

"Let's not talk about it." 

He let it go and said, "Are they healthy at least?" 

I nodded, "Winnie is having trouble eating, and Jazzee has this innate need for fighting. Just like his dad." 

"And his mom." 

I said, "I'm not much of a fighter." He laughed, "I think you fought all hell to get where you are today, it's respectable." 

I sighed, "Yeah, I wouldn't be as strong if I didn't have August." Dad said, "How's him and Tenshi, is he still gay?" 

I sighed, "Yes he is still 'gay' dad." 

He sighed, "Cool, cool." 

I looked at him still trying to wrap his head around it. 

He was still trying to accept my brother, but he knew my brother didn't need his acceptance. 

"And this Bakugo fellow, he still treating your right?" 

I laughed, "I treat him right dad." He said, "Oh, yes of course." He smiled, "I'm just glad that my kids didn't turn into the monster I became." 

I could tell he was really trying to get better, and I didn't want to discourage him by staying mad at him, but I also didn't want to forgive him just yet because of how much pain and suffering he caused August. 

I said, "Yeah, you taught me what not to be, and I taught Auggie how to be it." 

The officers in the room suddenly shouted, "Times up! Say your goodbyes and line up at the door." 

My dad sadly smiled, "I'll be out in one more year." I smiled, "One more year." 

I walked out the prison and told the officer, "I'm actually here for another meeting, with the super villain, Dabi." 

The officer nodded and looked at the other officers. "Alright, come with me." 

The officer led me to the deeper part of the prison and sat me down, I got to talk to Dabi in person. 

He came out with quirk dampening cuffs and looked at me, a small smile appeared on his face. 

"Here to see, little ol' me." 

I sighed, "Todoroki couldn't come today so he asked me to fill in." 

Dabi said, "I knew you wouldn't have come unless you had to." 

I said, "I come here all the time." He rolled his eyes, "You're such a liar." I said, "And you're such a bitch." 

He said, "And that's why yo momma dead." 

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