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We arrived at Hawks big ass mansion. Bakugo knocked on the door and Hawks opened it up almost immediately. He smiled, "WOW!"

I laughed at his surprise of me. I walked in and saw August on the couch with and IV connected to his arm still. He looked at me and smiled, "Y/N!" 

He began to get up, but I ran over in time to stop him. 


"UGH! I've been resting for weeks!" 

"No ya dumbass hasn't, that's why you're not getting any better." 

He rolled his eyes and I side hugged him so I wouldn't get tangled in the IV's. Bakugo looked around and said, "This place is big." 

Hawks shrugged, "I'm not extravagant but my sist- uhm my cist on my ass was hurting like a bitch one day so I decided to get a comfy bed, but the bed was too big for the room, so I just bought a whole house."

Auggie paused his game and looked at Hawks, "You're such a dumbass." I looked at him while sitting on the top of the couch and began to laugh. 

I got up, "Where's my room?" He told me to get up and walked me to the room. I smiled and looked at how big it was. "It's very modern." B

akugo asked, "So you don't have women here every night like the rumors say?" He looked at him shocked. 

"WHAT NO?!" 

He sighed and slapped his forehead in disappointment. "Let's eat dinner." Bakugo looked at the time. "I should go, I got homework and gym work outs, and then training. I'll see you though." 

He kissed my forehead and left out the house. I frowned, "Miss him already." 

August sat down and so did I. "I'm about to get your little stick man you got following you everywhere." 

I laughed and he said, "Shut it. I'm tired of your bullying." I laughed and ate my food. After we literally argued about nothing I went to bed. I drifted off to sleep but woke up when I heard something. 

Hawks must be up. Or maybe Auggie. 

I left to go see what was happening and was met with nothing. I shrugged. 

Let me raid Hawks fridge really quick. OU! Pineapples, cereal?! Who puts cereal in the fridge?! Yogurt? What fla- WHAT THE FUCK?! CHICKEN FLAVORED YOGURT?! 

"That's gotta be racist." 

I froze time and turned around scared. There I saw Dabi. My mouth dropped. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He lifted his hands up in defense. 

"I come in peace I swear! I'm here to ask why you didn't tell Hawks about me." 

I said, "Because, I don't want Todoroki to get hurt in the process." He said, "You care about my brother?" 

I thought, "I mean we're not really that close of friends, but we understand each other." 

"Maybe the two of you should be friends, who knows." 

I shook my head, "My boyfriend hates Roki, he's killed him." 


"Yeah, the whole class calls him that." 


I furrowed my eyebrows confused. 

"I gotta go." 

He walked out and I put the world back in set time. I picked up the yogurt and scooped some out. 

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