Burning Hospital

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We drove to the hospital, and they immediately were on his case. They wouldn't let me near him, they made me wait with Bakugo and they weren't telling anyone anything since nobody was his legal guardian. 

I didn't want to tell them what happened, but they were ready to call the police. I didn't know what to do, but I was his sister, so they eventually let me see him.

~Three days later~

He was awake and heavily bandaged, he told me some friends were stopping by with food for him as well. 

I asked him, "Auggie, what were you thinking?!" He said, "I don't know." 

I sighed, "We might get separated you know? Because the hospital wants to call the police and how are we going to lie our way out of this one?" 

He sighed, "This isn't going to make since, but I think we'll be okay. I called in a favor."

"A favor? Who the fuck do you think you are nigga! You're not Agent J or some shit." 

He said, "I know, I just thought I could get some information out of him." 

"What information?!"

Some first years walked in. 

"Hi! You must be Y/N." August said, "That's Hakura." 

Someone followed behind her, "I'm Kousetsu." 

Someone else walked in, "Rana, and this is our pet Asahi." Asahi turned around confused with a piece of paper in his mouth. 

What the hell type friends are August making?! 

I said, "I'll leave you guys alone, but we need to finish that conversation."

I walked out the room and Bakugo looked at me, "My parents are extremely concerned for you." I sighed, "Tell them to not be, I'm fine." 

Bakugo looked at me concerned and then glanced over and squinted. "Tenshi?" She looked up. 

Tenshi? THE TENSHI?! 

I said casually, "If you're looking for August, he's in his room with his friends." 

She shook her head, "I just came to drop this off, I don't do well with friend... groups." She handed me and envelope and walked out. 

"What the hell?" 

I looked at Bakugo, "I don't like her! I don't like her at all!" 

Bakugo laughed, "You're just being protective." 

"I'm always protective, what the fuck do you mean?!" 

I hit him and he laughed. "Honestly though, I don't like her either. She's too easy going, and untrustworthy, something about her feels unsettling and untrustworthy." 

"I know... hm." 

I talked with Bakugo for a little and his group of friends walked out. I walked back in to see August looking tired, "Man, your little friend came to give you this. Get some rest." 

He laughed, "Alright."

August's POV

I opened the envelope to read the letter. 

I hope you feel better, are you okay? You didn't tell me what happened, and I respect that because I don't tell you jack shit about my life but... I'm worried that it might be someone you have to depend on like your sister. Please be okay, I want to protect you and make sure your okay. 

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