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The nurse walked in and gave Y/N her medicine. She basically kicked me out of the hospital room. I decided I needed to have a word with the doctor. 

I marched to the receptionist and asked for the doctor right there. Of course, I waited for him to come but he was talking forever. 

When he finally came, I grabbed him by the collar. 


Hawks jumped up and separated us, "Woah! Calm down!" I growled ready to attack the man. 

He fixed himself, "I understand you are stressed sir, but that is no way to treat the person taking care of the person you care about." 


"It's advice." 

"Tch, what's wrong with Y/N?!" 

He said, "She can't turn off her quirk. She's unconscious and stuck in a time loop." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What the hell do you mean?! She can only freeze time, she has a rarity quirk" 

He sighed, "But what people always seem to not mention is rarity quirks are dangerous because of how unstable and powerful they are. She developed more of her quirk probably because of inflicted trauma." 

Hawks said, "So what? She can reverse time now?" 

"Exactly that in fact. We just need her to come back, it's up to Y/N." Hawks thought, "Well, in the meantime... I have things I need to-" 

His phone rang, he walked away for a moment. I turned back to the doctor, "Is she gonna be okay?" 

He nodded and patted my shoulder. I was scared, I was scared I was going to lose Y/N. I've been on edge, I haven't been sleeping right, nothing. 

I listened in on Hawks conversation, "you found the body? Alright, I'm on my way." 

He hung up and walked back over to me, "I have some stuff to attend to update me." I sat in the chair and relaxed. 

That Tenshi character walked into the hospital. She looked around and saw me. She climbed in the chair, and I said, "Visiting hours are closed." 

She turned to me, "So you're staying here? Go to your dorm or something." I looked down, "Nah, I'll stay here." 

A small frown appeared on her face, "How's Auggie and Y/N?"

I looked up, "To be honest, I didn't think you actually cared about August or Y/N." Tenshi's face turned to shock, and she started to blush. 

"I do..." 

I turned to her, "matter of fact, you're always around when someone is hurt. Are you a villain?" 

She shook her head, "No, I'm not hurting them, I'm trying to save them." 

"So, you're a hero?" 

"Not that either, I'm just a bystander helping some people along the way." 

I looked forward, "Oh, so you're working with Hawks then." She raised her hand blushing wildly, "WHAT NO?! WHERE'D YOU HEAR THAT FROM?!" 

I said, "You two make sure to never be in the same place at the same time. And you look alike. You're stupid to think to think Y/N hasn't taken notice but you're right to know that August still hasn't." 

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