Freestyling And Shit📸💬

34 0 14

I dialed Tenshi's number.


"Well hello to you too sis. You with August?"

"No, visiting hours are closed, but he's probably awake."

"Good, I just got detail that the body is possibly his mother and more evidence against his pops."

Tenshi breathed out quickly, "Can I go to U.A?"

"What?! That was sudden."

"Yeah uhm, for a closer look at August and you know, maybe I should go back to school to like work on my social skills."

"Tenshi, you have perfect social skills. What is this really about?"

"I miss having friends."

"Then go for it! You're a kid."

"Yeah but, remember last time?"

"Last time when you accidentally stabbed a couple kids with your feathers? It's alright it happens."

"Keigo... I don't wanna hurt anyone this time round so... can you keep my feathers locked up?"

"Locked up?! Locked up where?!"

"Where mom used to put them when we were bad."

"Tenshi that's a lot to ask of me."

"I know it is since you have the most traumatic memories there, but I really don't want to hurt anyone else like last time."

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I can do that. But you're either keeping a couple feathers for your protection or my feathers are going to follow you everywhere."

She said, "Hell no! I'll keep a couple feathers in that case." I laughed and said, "Alright, don't come home late or I'll worry, I have to go to the office for a few hours to get some more paperwork out of the way. I'll pass out by then most likely. But see you when I see you."

I flew into my balcony window and sat down at my desk.

"Hell Mr. Takami."

"Hey Gregory."

He placed down something to drink. "Refreshments. This is a power drink." I chugged it, "Thank you. You should be home Greg." He rolled his eyes. "Yet so should you." I laughed, "True. But I'm a hero, It's my job." He said, "I just want my overtime pay." I laughed and he walked out the office. I began to do some paperwork and flipped through some pages of work. I breathed harshly.

I'm so fuckin' tired.

I looked at the time.

Jesus! Four twenty-two?!

I lied my head on my desk and began to continue writing. My brain started to wander, and my eyes started to slowly fall closed. I fell asleep and entered my dream world. I heard this alarm going off and I kept pressing it, but it wouldn't go off. I got angry and broke it, but it still kept going. I woke up and heard my phone ringing and my office phone ringing, and the other office phones ringing and then Gregory bursting into my room.


I jolted up and answered my phone, "HELLO?! Y/N?!"

"The one and only."

I stood up excitedly, "You want me to come?!"

"Nah, let me get ready first."

She hung up.

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