Ice Cream📸💬

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"Bakugo what the hell were you thinking?!" I held my backpack tightly, "You could've gotten hurt." I continued.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow, "I was doing that so you wouldn't get hurt!"

I rolled my eyes, "Stop being stupid! The whole reason why I broke this off was because I didn't want you to insert yourself into my fucking life!"

August asked, "Wait... ya'll two dated?!"

We both turned around, "No!"

I turned back to him, "Leave me the hell alone Bakugo." I walked off and August asked innocently, "You, okay?"

I sighed, "Yeah, it's fine. Let's just get this to school." August said, "Y/N..." I looked at him, "Hmm?"

He said, "It's okay to be stressed out, but when you get like this you stop eating and sleeping. Let's get food after this."

I said, "With what money August, be realistic." He rubbed his neck, "I got a job." I turned my head confused, "When?!"

He said, "well, you were so focused on school and dance club and such so I decided to get a job." I looked at him, "For what though? I have it handled."

He smiled, "I know, I just wanted to get some experience."

I opened the dorm building doors and said, "Here, take your stuff." I gave him the bag and he said, "I'm sorry Y/N." I looked at him confused, "For what?"

He gave me a hug, "That I add on stress to you." I hugged him back and shook my head, "It's alright August, you actually release the stress. Even though mom's not around your turning into a good kid. I'm glad that I don't have to teach you as much."

He smiled, "Agh, thank you." He gave me one last look and went to his room. I walked up to my room and closed my dorm; I took a look around.

Isn't it beautiful🥹 but if you think this room looks ass no hard feelings you don't have to use it and also I think it's trash too then😌

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Isn't it beautiful🥹 but if you think this room looks ass no hard feelings you don't have to use it and also I think it's trash too then😌

I threw my laundry clothes on the bed and slid down the door. Everything came crashing down on me.

I began to cry, life is hard.

I sat there for ten minutes straight just crying. Until again a knock on my door. I wiped my tears and checked the mirror quickly.

Good enough.

I opened it and there he was again, Bakugo.

He wouldn't leave me alone. I said sharply, "What?" He looked at me and said, "You were crying. What happened?" I rolled my eyes, "Can you just please! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!"

I was so angry. I was just so mad, all the time. It wouldn't stop, always.

I've always been mad, every day since my mom died, I've been angry. I just... I needed to be happy because when I see August cry or get stressed. I-I just can't.

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